Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i 9. Chrig accufed St. John. before Pilate. Ch. 59; I fhould bear witnefs unto the truth. gain, and faithunto them, Behold, I Every one that is of the truth, hear- bring him forth to you,that ye may eth my voice. 38. Pilate faithunto know that I find no fault in him. him, What is truth ? 5. Then came Jefus forth, wearing 37. And art thou a King indeed? Tebas an- the crown of thorns; and the purple fwcred, Pama Kins, (though I claim no man's robe. And Pilate faith unto them; Crown) it was to this end that I was born and Behold the man: came into the World, that the Truth might Reign, and that I might Reign in the Minds of 4. In Scorn. Men by the Light of Truth: And 6. When the chief priefts thereq that is thus enlightned to obey the Troth, o- fore and officers faw hlm, they cried - beyeth me : Pilate laid; in di(daio, Wh,t is that Truth, which thou pretendcft to be thy out, laying, Crucifie him, crucifie Reign? him. Pilate faith unto them,, Take And when he had faid this, he went ye him, and crucifie him : for I find out again unto the Jews, and faith no fault in him. unto them, I find in him no fault at 6. Thus Chrift is the Foot-ball ofCruelty and all. Heathen Scorn. Pilate faith, let it be your own doing ifyou will needs have it done, for 38. I find not that he becaketh any of our Laws by any capital Crime. by our Law he deferveth it not. 39 But ye have cuftom, that I 7. The Jews answered him, We fhould releafe unto you one at the havea law,and by our lawhe ought pafíbver : will ye therefore that I to die, becaufe he made, himfelf the releafe unto you the king of the Son of God. 8. When Pilate there- Jews ? 4o. Then cried they all a- fore heard that laying, he was the gain,faying,Notthis man,butBarab- more afraid ; q. And went again into the judgment-hall, and faith unto Jefus, Whence art thou ? But Jefus gave him no anfwer. y, 8, 9. Note, The Name ofthe Sonof G.á, . was teedby the Priefts againft Chrift to accule and Murder him, and yet to a Heathen Judge carded fear and further enquiry : And to this day it is matter of Scorn to fuch, that the Faithful are called the Children ofGod. bas. Now Barabbas was a robber. 39. Note, Pilate derided Chrift, but was loth to murder him, judging him innocent. Note, Whereas other Writers of the Gofpel oft tell as that Chrift anfwered not a word, and john tellsus ofhis molt pertinentAnfwers,itonly fignifieth that to manyother queftions not here Mentioned, he gave no Anfwer ; and that he forbore,partly as feeing it was in vain with loch unrighteousMen, and being not over regard- ful of felfdefence, and partly that he might 1 o. Then faith Pilate untó hitri; not give them matter againft him, wrefted Speakeft thou not untome ? know- fiom his own words : But the Anfwers omitted eft thou not that I have power to by others gehn reciteth. crucifie thee; and have power to re- C H A P. XIX. leale thee ? i i. Jefus anfwered; i. *Hen Pilate therefore took Je- Thou couldeft have nopower at all fus,and fcourged him. 2..And againft me, except it were given the fouldiers platted a crown of thee from above : therefore he that thorns, andput it onhis head, and delivered me unto thee bath the theyput on him apurple robe,3.And greater fin. faid, Hail king of the Jews : and r o. N. a. Chrift would not tell himwhence they fmote himwith their hands. he was by Words, that would not know it bÿ his Works. 2. Polare thought that the power of r, a. Noce, When the unjuft Ruler had once Life and Death, fhould have forced Jefus toan. led the way by fcourging him, all the Rabble fwer him. And Chrift faith [Whatever Proud andSoldiers make great Sport in deriding and mèp may claimor pretend to, no man can have abufing him ; fuch are the frolicks of wicked more Governing Right orAuthority thanGod ignorance. the abfolute Soveraign giveth him (who gin. 4. Pilate therefore went forth a- eth none agalnft hunfeif) Therefore the Arch. Priefts