Ch. 19. f Pfus delivered °t. john: to be crucified. Ch: IS: priests that deliver: me tothee to be Crucified, fore unto them tobe crucified. And are fo much the greater Sinners,thatwould turn they took Jefus, and ledhim away. God's Ordinances of Magistracy againft him fell]. 17. Andhe bearing his cross, went i z. And from thenceforth Pilate forth into a place calledthe place of fought to releare him : but the Jews a fcull, which is called in theHe- cried our, raying', If thou let this brew, Golgotha. Cs llh í} hf[ 's friend 17. He bare man go thouart notCelar his Croft (till is sengt fad- = z ed, and then they made Simon ofcyrene to who oever tnaketh himfelf a kingj bear it) to aplace called in Syriack Golgorhá,or fpèaketh againft Celar. the placeof a Skull. 12. Then the.Priefts ufed that .Argument 1S. Where they crucified him, with Pilate which he had not ftrength to over, and two other with him, on either" come; as if they would guettion his Life or fade one, and Jefus in the midst. Office, as a Traytor to (afar, ifhe would not f condemn Christ as fuch.Th ,ugh Christ had told 19. And Pilate wrote, a tide, and him that he pretended not to a Kingdomof .put it on the crois. And thewri- this World; yet for the Name ofa King, ei- ther Chrif.muf an Enemy to Cafar, or $ Pilate go forInch. Thus thoughall Royal Au- RETH T E KING OF THE charity be of,God, yetit is oft the strength and JE\VS. fnoft.prevailingArgument, thatWicked men 1 &,19. N. The title signified his aceufátion:' rifeagainft God and his Law andServants. Lo. This title then read many of 13. When Pilate therefore heard the Jews, felt the place where Jefus that faying, he broughtjefus forth, was crucifiedwas nigh to the city and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latine. aoWritten in'Sÿriaekor Chalks vvordswitst. HebrewLetters, and in Greek and Latin,. . z3. Then faid the chief priefts of the Jews to Pilate, Write nor, The kingoftheJews; but that he faid, I am king ofthe Jews. 2221 -- late anfwered, What I have writ- ten, I have Written'. 2t, 22. The Title which Pilate made itt Scorn, and God over-ruled as real Truth', dif -- pleafed the Arch-Priefts : but Pilate Would not alter it. and fat down in the judgment-feat, in a place that is called the Paye- tnent,but in the Hebrew,Gabbatha. 14. And it was the ,preparation of the pa[fover and about the fixth hour : and he faith unto the Jews, $ehold your king. 1 5, But theycri- ed out, Awaywithhim, away with crucifie him. Pilate faith unto them, Shall T crucifie yòtìr king ? The chiefpilefts anfwered,We have no kingbut. Cefar. 13. When Pilate faw that there was no re- fiftingthemwithout danger to.himf if, he fate inJudgment on Chri£c in a place called in the Syriack Gabbatha, , Note,,,The Controverfie of the day, (whe- ther it was that called by us Fridayor Wed- nefday orThurfelay) and that of the hour, whe- therit was the fixth hour, (as yobtt faith itwas :about,) or the third hour '(as Mark faith) and whether in yohn itfhould be read the third (as ,Bez,a andRimeothers think) are both roo-herd for Vulgar Readers, and therefore I leave tfieçn to Controverlial Writers: Much is raidòn both fides. Note, '2. These Arch-Priefts, that at the 'Heart were touch againft Cafar, yet tomurder Chriß as a Rebel, pretend tobe the greatest Ç,afarian soyalifts 6eThendelivered he him there7 therefore the Souldiers did, 23.Then thefouldiers when they had crucified Jefus, took his gar- ments (and made four parts, to.e- very,fouldier.,a port) and alto his coat : now the coat was without fears; woven fromthe topthrough- out. 24. They faid therefore among themfelves, Let us not rent it, but cast lots for it, whole it hall be that the fcripture mightbe fulfilled; which faith, Thy parted my rai= ment among them, and for my ve- fture they did caft,lots.Thefe things