Ch. 1 g. Chrirs death St. 23. Not that the Prophetic made them do it, but was fulfilled by their doing it. 2 5. Now there flood by the crois of Jefus, his mother, and his mo- ther's lifter, Mary the wife of Cleo- phas, and Mary Magdalene. 26, When Jefus therefore faw his mo- ther, and the difciple ftandingby, whom he loved, he faith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy fon. 27. Then faith he to the difciple, Behold thy mother. And from that hour that difciple took her unto his own home. 2 f. 26, 27. Note, Chrift on the Crofs had a careofhis Mother'sfuturecomfort in theWorld: which confifted in her Entertainment and Con- verfe with his beloved Difciple. S. After this, Jefus knowing that all things were now accom- plifhed, that the fcripture might be fulfilled, faith, I thirft. 29. Now therewas fet a veffel full ofvinegar: and they filled a fpunge.with vine- gar, and put it upon hyflop, and put it to his mouth. 3o. When Jefus therefore had received the vinegar, lie faid, It is finifhed : and he bowed lìis head, and gave up the ghoft. 28. As otherScriptures ofhim were fulfilled, fo he would have that Pfd. 69, 22. And hay- ing drunktheVinegar, he Paid, my Sacrifice on the Crois isperformed, and thePropbefies ofit fulfilled, and hebowed his Head and refigned his Soul. Many pa(fages are omittedby yoisn, becaufe written by others. 31. The Jews therefore, becaufe it was the preparation, that the bo- dies fhòuld not remain upon the crofs on the fabbath-day, (for that fabbath-day was an high day) be- fought Pilate that their Iegs might be broken,' and that they might be taken away. 32. Then came the fouldiers, and brake the legs ofthe ñrft, and of the other which was crucifiedwith him gI,32.Note, What day it was, whether the ,/ Seventh day Sabbath, Cr another fo calledby ¡Jae y' Superítition, Eagöfitors _varying, 1 haft body women 41. Now in the place wherehe was crucified, there was a gardens anti in the gardenA new fepulchte, where andbúrial, Ch: l: I before (Aid, I will not trouble the Vul. Reader with the Controverfie. . But when they came to Je- fus, faw that he was deadal- ready, they brake not his legs. 34 one of the fouldiers with a pierced his fide, and forthwith there out blood and water. 34.. They made Pure, fine that he war And he that law it bare re- and his record is true: and oweth that he faith true, that fight believe. 36. For theft things weredone, that the fcripture d be fulfilled, A-bone of him notbebroken. 36. yoIjn that law it. is a true Witnefs; hat Pfd. 34. so. which fpeaketh God's c f all his People, was fpecially meant of whether David fo underttood it or not. And again another fcripture They (hall look onhim whom t pierced. Thus alto that of í;ach. 12. to. was And after this, Jofeph of A- r hea (being a difciple ofJefus, cretly for fear of the Jews) ght Pilate that he might take the body ofJefus: and Pilate him leave : Hecame therefore took the body of Jefus. yofeph that daft not own Chrift openly begs andobtaineth hisbody for burial. . And there came alloNicode- (which at the firft came to Je- night) and brought a mixturg yrrhe and aloes, about an hun- pound weight. 4.0. Then took the bodyof Jefus, and wound i linnen clothes with the fpices,as anner of the Jews is to bury. TheMyrrh and ..floes were to keep the from Putrefaetipn t but it Items they did e (being late) but rudely. lay them to the with the Cloaths, deferring the full Em- balming to the firft dayof the week, when the camewith Spices tohave done it. ohn: have ga4 33 But fpear came 3 dead. cord, he kn ye mig fhoul fhall 35, And t tree thrill faith, hey 37. fulfilled 38 imat butfe befou away gave and 38. al;ve, 39 mus, fusby of um [red they t in them 19. Pod), for