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Ch. so.. The RefurreElion St. John. ofChril. Ch. 2o. wherein was never man yet laid. chre, weeking s and as the wept-, 42. There laid they Jefus therefore, the ftouped down, and looked into becaufeofthe Jews preparation -day, the fepulchre, 12. And feeth two for thefepulchre was nigh at hand. angels in white, fitting, the oneat 41, 42. It was yofeph's Sepulchre which he the head, and the other at the feet, had prepared for himCelf, cleannefs and near- where the body of Jefus had layn nefs made it convenient. 13. Andthey fay unto her, Woman, CHAP. XX. why weepeft thou ? She faith unto them, Becaufe they have taken a- I.THe first day ofthe week corn- way my Lord, and I know not eth Mary Magdalene early where they have laid him. when it was yet dark, unto the fe- r o, a r, dre. Though Come Evangelins men= pulchre; and feet-h the ftone taken boned but one Angel, that denied.' not that there were two, which is here affirmed. away from the fepulchre. 14. And when the had thus fail; r. Mary and otLer Women firft as it; The turned her felf back, and fa*. 2. Then the neth, and co Jefus ftanding, knew not that to Simon Peter, and to the other J was 5. Jefus faith unto difciple Whom Jefus have faith her, Woman why wee eft thou? unto them, They taken away whom feekeft thou? the ofin the Lord out of the fepulchre and him to be the gardener, faith untó we know not where they have laid him, Sir if thou have born him him. 3. Peter therefore went forth, hence tell me where thou haft laid and that other difcipie, and came to him, rand I will take him awa the fepulchre. 4. So they ran both y together : and the other difcipledid 16. Jefus faith unto her, Mary. She outrun Peter; and camefirst to the turned her felf; and faith unto hitn, fepulchre. 5. And he ftoupingdown, Rabboei, which is to fay, Matter. and looking in fa* the linen clothes r4. Note. Whether her not knowinghim was not by reafon ordinance, datkuéfs, or Chrfl's lying ; yet went he not in. 6. Then not appearing in full notoriety, is uncertain. Sc- cometh Simon Peter following him, condly,Chritt's frfa words are full ofCosrpafli. and went into the fepulchre and on toa weeping Sinner that lovedhim.Thirdly -, It's eafie to think with what aflionate Joy this feeth the linen clothes lie; 7. And fight and word fi;rprized her. . the napkin that was about his head, 17. Jefus faith unto her, Touch not lying with the linen clothes,but Me not : for I am not yet afcended wraped together in aplaceby it felf. to my Father : but go to my bre- 8. Then went in allo that other dif- thrcn, and fay unto them, I afcend ciple which came first to the fepul- unto my Father and your Father, chre, and hefaw, and believed. and to my God and your God. 2, 3, &e. Peter and john moved by Alliry's t y. Iam not rifen for Inch familiar Conduc$ words, went and law, c. and Converfeas I had with you before my Re- g. For as yet they knew not the furreóhion, but muC afcend tomy Fathtt-where fcripture, that he mutt rife again my Bddy /hall be a Glorified fpiritual body. from the dead. And though I will allow you as much families 9. Though the Scripture (and atilt1úm. city as shall convince you of my Refurre}ion. felfoftcn) foretold themhis Refurrefion, they yet more, nor each as formerly. But as y yet belived it riot. y my Dreciplcs,. and tell them, I take Brethren, and ant shortly to Afcend where t I o. Then the difciples went away null be better a them than on Earth, even to again unto their own home, I 1. But him, that is my father (by Nature and Merit) Mary flood without at the fepul- and their Father, (by adopting Grace andUni w- P on with me through my Merit) to my god (as $y t