Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 20: The Refurreéiion St. John. ofCtrift. Ch. zc I am Mediatorand Man) and their God (through told the difciples, that fflê had feet] any Mediation) the Lord, and that he had f oken Note. All true believersthould labour to get p this moth comfortable Text deeply imprinted thefe things unto her. 19. Then the on their Minds; and never thinkof God or fame day at evening, being the firft cometo him but as here defcribed ; My Father day of the week, when the doors and your Father, My Godand your God. And thus only to think ofHeaven, and our change wereÉlut, where the difcipleswere at Death, we are afcending toourafcended Sa- affembled for fear of the Jews,came *iota- called our Brother, and to his Father and Jefus and food in the midit, and cur Father; to his God and our God. Note, That there feemeth a great difference faith unto them, Peace be Unto between theEvangelista in defcribing therepaf- fages and appearances to the Women and Apo- tlies: But it is but becaufe one leaveth out what another mentioneth, but not that they contradiâ each'other. And ifyou take them altogether as one H-iftory, theorder feemeth to be this, Firft, MaryMagdalen, yohanna, Mary oflames, and Salome, having bought Spices, and going to Embalm the Body, Paid, Who will toll away the Stone for us. Secondly, When they came theyFound that the Stone was rolled away ; for an Angel had done it. and withhis appearing and Earthquake affrighted away the Soldiers, Thirdly, That Angel with another faith to the Warned,Fear not, tknow you leek Jefus that was Círacified : why Peek ye the liv- ing amongthe dead; he is not here, he is Bi- llion, Come, fee the place, &t. 4. Then the when they faw the Lord:.. Women run and tell the Difciples, They have so. Severalappearances are paint b3 becaufe . takenaway theLord, we knownotwhere they mentioned by others. have laid him. q. Then Peter and yohn run to 2Í, Then laid Jefus to them á- fee : 6. Mary being come back flood weeping gain, Peace beunto you : as my Faj at the Entrance, and looked back and law two y Angels, asyohnrecitethit. 7. ThenMary look- ther hath Pent me, even fo fend ! cd back and faw Chrift; and at firft knew him you. 22. Andwhen he had Paid this; not, and he fpake to her as here. 8. Then the he breathed on them, mid faith un-' runs and tells the Difcfples, that the had feed the Lord : 9. Either then or when thewas gone, Je- fus met the reftoftheWomen, andPaid to them, All hail, and they laid hold on his *et and they are remitted unto them ; and worfhippedhim; and he laid, Fear not, Go tell my brethren, tít. wholefoevér fins ye retain, theyare Or perhaps we may make it lhorter: As Í, TheStone rolled away, and thekeeper af- frighted away. 5. Mary and the other women come and find it fo. 3. They goin andmifa the body. 4. Maryruns and tells Peter and yohp. s. They rah to fee. 6. TheWomen flayingfee firft one Angel on the Stone on the right fide and then two, cite at the head and oneat the feet of the place. 9. There Angels fay all that 4s mentioned, to Mary and the refl. 8. Mary feeth Jefus and fo do the reft, who holding him by the feet, he reftraineth further corporal con- iaQ, and fpeaketh to Mary and the reft all that is mentioned. 9.. Then She And they tell the 1Difciples that they had Peen him, and what he faid. This feetneth the order ofall together. you. 1809. Note, Chrift rote and fi: it appeared on the firft day of the week, If any fhould queftion itby cavilling at theText, asdoubtful ; thepraítice ofthe Umverfal Church,, everfine obferving that day withoutany contradi&ing Party, proveth it path doubt to all that ule (O- ber reafon in the cafe. 2. Chrift owned their . private meeting, not reproving the Cautelous, fears ofPerfecutorsl 3. The firth word that he fpake to them together (or afrer his words tó Mary) was (peace be untoyou¡ (Little under: flood by many Churchmen.) 20. And when he had fo (aid, he !hewed unto them hei bands and his fide. Then were the difciples glad to them, kecéiveye theholy Molt. 2.3. Whole foever fins ye remit, 8. Mary Magdalene came and retained. 21, 22, ire. Peace is the Senn ofmyGift and Benediâion to you, and the, gamin ofyour duty to others; as my Father rent me into the World to Gather, Guide andSave his Church as their Head and Mediator, to I fend you to Gather, Guide and fave the Church as my A- poftles : And breathingon them, he faid, As my Father fent {ne not with a bare Title and furnifhed for his work, but filledwith the Spi- rit of Life and Power, ofLight andWifdom, ofLove and Goodnefs, fo I will give you the fame Holy Spirit, and fendyou furnifhed with Power,Knowledge andLove, (andnot withmeet Names andTitles, as Images) : I giveyou Pow. er to Preach the Gofpel fo effectually as ¡hall open mens Eyes, and turn them from Darknes toLight, amid from the Power ofSatan un t