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Ch. 24z ChriPs Opearapre St God, that they may receive really from God , and by Sacramental inveftiture inBaptifm, and fromyour Remit-fain of Sins,. a right to the in- heritance among the San&ided by Faith in Um: To he the Guides Of nay Church entruft- ed withWitneflinp; pndRecording my 1)o&rine, Laws and Promifes for their-Government to She endofthe World ; Andwith the Keys of Church Order, as authorized judges in your féveraf chaiges, who is capable of Church Communion to be receivedby Baptifm,, retto-- réd byRepentance,or as uncapable Apoftatescaft out: Together with an extraordinary Power, to infli& or to remit bodily Punilltment by my rule; not at your pleafure, but as it !ball pleafe the Holy Ghoft, which heShall giveyou. And Í dobreath' on you, to coÍnmunicate now forne beginnings ofthat Spirit which I will fend down 'on' you after nyAfcenfion ; And fo fig- lac to you that it is a real Qzalification and Spiritual that I will give, (as God when he made Man, breathed into him a living Seul) that you deceive not your (elves and the Church by dead Imaginary and Powerlefs names : The witnefs of Jefus is the Spirit of Prophefae, and of Sanaification. And ifany man have nit the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of his, by what Name or Title foever he be Ilignified 24.But Thomas,one of the twelve, called Didimus, was not with them when Jefeiscame.` 25:The other di- fciples therefore laid unto him, We have feen the Lord. Buthe Paid un- to them, Except I (halt fee in his hands the print of the nails, and put lny fingerinto the print ofthe nails; and thruf} my hand, intohis frdg, I will not believe. 24. N. AllChrift's Difciples werenotequal- ly inclined to believe. 2. This obftinate Refo- ludon deférveda defection, yet Chrift in mer- cy overcame it, and forfook him not. 26. And after eight days, again his difçiples'Werè Within,and Tho- mas With them : then came Jefus, the doorsbeing(hut, and ftood in the midft,' and Paid, Peace be untoyou. 26. The 'next Brit day ofthat week, they being affembled, dve. Nere, Coming in when the doors were fa(t'fhuc; whether he opened them .(as force groundlefly think) or nor, was a Miracle, he whofe Body was quickly to be a Glorious Spiritual Body, when it carne to that Glorious (liritual Region, no doubt had after his Refurre&ion a change preparatory thereto, fay which hecould appear and difappear and . John' to his Difeiples: Ch. 20: vans@ from their fight, and come in when the door was Shur, and at laS afcend to Heaven : And the Carnal Objé&ions againft thisare all vain. 27. Then faith he to Thomas, Reach hither tby finger, and behold myhands ; and reach hither thy hand, and thruft it into my fide; and be notfaighlefs, but believing. 27. Note, Wonderful is the Condefcenlion ofChrik to thofe that he will fave. 28. And Thomas anfwered and Paid untohim,MyLordand my God. 28- Note, Theconvincing Condefcenfaon of Chrift turnsunbeliefinto a Rapture of adorati,. en: NowThomas cryeth,My Lord andmy God 29.Jefus faith unto him,Thomas, because thou haft feen me, thouhaft believed : bleffed are they that have not feet'," andyet have believed. 29. I have condefcended to thyfight and feeling: But this 11101 not be the common} way to bleffednefs, but they that havenot feen Shall believe and fö be"happy. 3o, And many other figns truly did Jefus in the prefnce of his dif ciples, which are notwritten in this book. 3r. But thefe are written, that ye might believe that Jefus is the Chrift the Son of God, and that believing ye might have life through his name. 30, 3r. Thereand many morenot recitedhe did : And it being bybelievitig that Chrift it the Son of God, and Saviour, that you mutt come to life, and by the evidence of there Mi- racles that you muff believe that he is the Chrift, therefore thefe Miracles are Recorded to convince you, that you may believe. CEIAP. XXI. 1. Fter there things, Jefus thew- ed himfelf again to the difci- pies at the feaof Tiberias; and 04 this wife (hewedhe himfe/f: 2.There, were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, acidNa-. thanael of Cana in Galilee, and the fins of Zebedee, and two other cif his difciples. 3. Simon Peter faith unto them, I go a fifhing. They ,fayunto him,We allö go with thee. R 3 They