Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.s. Ofreconciliation withSt.Matthew. anoffended brother. Ch. s. ment. 22. But I fay untoyou, That and cruelty, and to curie, and damn, and whofoever is angry with his bro- tear from the Church all that date not tub. ther without a caufe, fhall be in fc ibe and (wear to all theInventions ofPopes and Councils : And for the Preachers of danger of the judgment : and who- Love aid Peace, to fay more than LT ee* foever {hall fay to his brother Ica- Foot ;7 even to Silence, or ruin, and burn all ca lhall be in danger ofthe Coon- as Hercricks or Scilmaticks, that dare not ëil: But whofoever fhall fay , Thou "211;all this! fool, {hall be in danger ofHell- quickly, whiles with thine in he fire. ß thou art the way 2 r. Mofeis C aw was, that Murther mate with him left at any time the ad- bepunished with Death (by thg liffer Sanhe- yerfary deliver thee to the judge, drim.) And the carnalJews have taken this and the judge deliver thee to the to be all that the fïxth Commandment con- officer and thou be call into prifon. demned. But God's Law is perfe&, how- 26. Verily I fay unto thee, Thou evercarnal men mifunderftand ir. And t {halt by no means comeout thence, tell you, char r. Whoever lets outthis pa(ft- onofhurtful and uncharitableAnger againft till thou haft paid the uttermoft any man, without or beyond lull caufe,doth farthing. in fome degree break the fixth Command- 2s, 26. If thou have wronged any man, ment, and therefore deft rveth anfwerable delay not reparationof his wrong,and recon- punishment. 'And2. Whoever mall caufelef- ciliation : left he extort his reparation from ly (corn or revile his Brother, breaketh the . thee by Law, and put thee to extremity, Command yet more, and deferveth greater when thou mighteft have compounded, or punishment. But whofoever nail utterly de- appeared him by fubmiflton. And fo obey fpife him cauflefly,with an uncharitable con- God in thyDuty of Love, and Reftitution, dution that he is a Fool or a Wicked man, and Submifiton to men, left he enter into or a Scifinatick, or an Heretick, when it is judgment with thee, and make thy utmoft not fo, Shell have yet far greater pnnimment, punimment anfwer the Debt. even Hell-fire, anfwering that in the Valley 27. Ye have heard that it was of Annex. faidby them ofold time, Thou{halt 23. Therefore if thou bring thy not commit adultery. 28. But I gift to the altar, and there remem- fay untoyou,That whofoever look- breil that thy brother oath ought eth on a woman to lull after her, ágainílthee ; 24. Leave there thy hath committed adulterywith her gift before the altar, and go thy already in his heart. way, firll be reconciled to thybro- 27. So Mafia (did in the leyendo Corn- ,thee, and then come and offer thy mandment, Thou malt not commit Adut- gift. eery : And the carnal Jews lookt but little 23 Therefore fee that you prefer not deeper : But I tell you, that whoever raft- Sacrifice before Love and Mercy, but ifthou eth on a Woman a wantonEye, ftirring up bring thy gift to the Altar, and be juft rea- Luft, and unlawful carnal Imaginations and dy'to offer ir, and rentembreft that thou Pleafure, or ufeth his other fènfes toftir up haft wronged thy Brother, or given him fuch lufts,as defile the mind, or tend towards occafion ofuncharitable thoughts of thee; Fornication, he bath inhis Heart broken the lay more upon love than on thy Offering. fevcnth Commandment in feme degree. Leave it there, and go prefently and make 29. And if thy right eye offend reftitution, confèffion, or whatever is ne- thee, pluck it out, and caPt itfrom cellar), to reconciliation, and then come and thee : for it is profitable for thee offer thy gift. that one of thy members íhould Note, r. O Chriftians lay this deeply to heart, that your Saviour was fogreat a teach- `periíh, and not that thy whole Bo- er of Love, that he prefetreth it before all dyihould be tail intoHell. 3o. And things, even Af}s of outward wormip, and ifthy right Hand offend thee, cut will take him for no Chriftian that is not it 0,,,- and tail it from thee : For fo minded. 2. O what a dreadful aggra , it is profitable for thee that one of vation of Wickednefs is it, to turn the very Sacraments themfelves into Snares ofWrath thymembers should perilh, and not that