C.Zt.The draught offifbes.St. John. They went forth, and entred into a.fhip immediately ; and that night they caught nothing. 1.2, 3. N. TheDifciples wenthome to their Trades when Jefus was Crucified : 2. Theirun- fucceffulnefs was to prepare for the Miracle. 4. But when the morning was nowcome, Jefus stood onthe shore : but the difciples knew not that it was Jefus. 4. His appearance afrer hisRefurredtion was with Come changefrom what he appearedbe. lure. 5. Then Jefus faith unto them, Children,have ye any meat ? They anfwered him, No. 6. And he Paid unto them, Caft the net on the right fide of the chip, and ye fhall find. They caft therefore, andnow they were net able to draw it for the multitudeoffifties. s, 6. thrift takethoccafion oftheir£ruftra- tien to thew hisPower and help their Faith. 7. Therefore that difciple whom Jefus loved,faith unto Peter,It is the ord.Nowwhen SimonPeter heard that it was the Lord,he girt his fifh- er's coat untohirn,(for he wasnaked) and did caft himfelf into the fea. 7. When the Miracle convinced him upon yam's words that it was theLord, heputon his Fither's Coat, and leapt into the Séa, to fhew that he teethed Christ with his Life, 8. And the other difciples came in a little fhip (for they were not far from land,but as it were two hun- dred cubits) dragging the net with fifties. 9. Affoon then as they were come toland,they faw a fire ofcoals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. r o. Jefus faith unto them, Bringof the fish which ye have now caught. r r. Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fifties an hundred and fifty and three : and for all there were fo many, yet wasnot the net broken. s. Here are two Miracles conjoyned: The Fith catctc, and the Fiat and Breadand Fire prepared for them. I z. Jefus faith unto them3Come Cbriftdineswith bis difiples.C.iz; and dine. And none of thedifciples durft askhim,Whoart thou ? know ingthat it was the Lord. 1 3. Jefus . then cometh,and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fifh likewife. 12, 13. They knew himmore by theMira: ele than by his Vifage. Though it be not laid that hedid Eat and Drink with them, it is not improbable though uncertain 3 4. This is now the third time that Jefus (hewedhimfelf to his dif- ciples, after that he was rifen from the dead. 14. This was the third time that he appeao ed tomanyof them together, or the third that oha recordeth, and the third day of his ap- pearing, though the frxth appearance made : And whether that on a Mountain in Galilee, mentioned by others,wasat this time,isdoubted. 15. So when they haddined, Je- fus faith to Simon Peter, Simonfon ofJonas, loveft thoume more then there ? He faith unto him, Yea, Lord ; thou knoweft that I love thee. He faith unto him, Feed my lambs. is. Thou didftlately profefs that if all men forfook me, yetthou wouldft not, as if thou hadft loved me more than all the rest: And yet did three times deny me : Art thou now ofthe limeRelolution more confirmed?._._. -If thoube, what Love thou haft to me, !hew it by thy Minifterial Love and Labour, for the Souls evenof the IoWeft, r 6.He faith to him again the fe- cond rime,Simonfonof Jonas,loveft thoume ? He faith untohim, Yea, Lord; thou knoweft that I love thee. He faith unto him, Feed my sheep. 14. Thou knoweft the heart, and therefore knoweft that I love thee, be. 7. He faith unto him the third time, Simonton of Jonas, loveft thou me ? Peter was grieved, be- caufe he faid unto him the third tinte, Lovett thoume ? And he faid unto him, Lord, thou knoweft all things; thou knoweft that I love thee. Jefus faith unto him, Feedmy sheep. 17. N. Peter's three-fold denial respired a threefold Cotífeflion, and engagement to fi - tare