Peter's death St. tare fidelity and Obedience ; and this toldhim whatLlifcipline he was to ufe by thepower of Church Government towards others that fo of- fend. 2. Minifters that are to require Confef- fion and Promifes of Obedience to Chrift from Offenders in order to their Reftoration, mutt lead the way in the famethemfeines, if they 1 ftandaloufly fin. 3. The great evidence of our Love to Chrift muf$ be in ferving the ChurchandSouls. I 8. Verily verily I fayunto thee, When thou waftyoung, thou gird- edit thy felf, and walkedft whither thou wouldeft : but when thou fhalt be old, thou shalt ftretch forth thy hands, and another fhall gird thee, and carrythee whither thou would- eft not. 18. Thou waft at thy free difpofe, &c. But hereafterothers Mall bind thee, and carry thee to Prifon againft thywill, and a11ò unto death. By there words he fignified that he fhould be Martyred. r9. This fpake he, fignifyingby what death he fhould glorifie God. And when he had fpoken this he faith unto him, Followme. 19. Follow me in labour and fufferings un- til() Glory. 20: Then Peter turning about, Teeth thè difciple wbom Jefusloved, following; whichalfo leaned on his #>reaft at fupper, and Paid, Lord, Which is he that betrayeth thee ? zr. Peter feeing him, faith to Jeius, Lord, and what Ord this man do? so. What Mall become of yehu?` zz. Jefus faith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee ? Follow thou me. a2. What is that to thee how long he (hall live, ifit were till mycoming; or ifhe live till he fee my CatholickChurch fettled under my proper Government, when the Jews Law and Policy arefully diftblved at the deftru&ion of their Temple and Nation ? 23.Then went this Payingabroad among the brethren, that that difci- ple Mould not die:ycrJfus faid not John. foretold: Ch. 2 L. unto him, He (hall not die : but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that tò thee ? 23. Nett. A falfe Tradition may pars a= mongft Chrift's ownDifciples bymiCunderftand- ng in fome things. 24. This is the difciple which te- ftifieth of thefe things, and wrote thefe things : andwe know that his teftimony is true. 24. This is john theDifcip(e whowas an Eye andEar witnefs of all this, and who wrote this Hiftöryof Chrift ; And whole teftimony the Church doth juftly receive as true. Note. Though Come take thefe words to be the Biíhop's,of:Afa that pub lifhed 7ohñs Gof_ pel, (at whole requeft they fay he wrote it a- bout thirty two years after Chrift's Refurre&i- on,) yet it is no lets probable that the words are his own, and that (we know) fib eth only [it's well known to the Churches.) 25. And there arealfo many o. ther things which Jefus did, the which if they' fhould be written e- very one, I fuppofe that even the world it felf could not contain the books that fhould be written.Amen. 2 5. Though thisHiftorybe writtento record divers things which others have omitted , yet all togetherare farfrom containing all the Mi- racles that Chrift did : which were fo many, that Mould they all be written, the many and great Volumes would as it were overload the World. Noer, 1. That therefore it isnot to bematter of Offence, ifany one Evangeliftpals by di- vers particulars. 2. That thoughmuitimdes of Chilli'sWords and Miracles maybe unknown to us, as much is Recorded as he would have taken as needful to the noticeof the Church through all Gene- rations: And none ofhis Laws or Promifes the obje&s of our Obedience and Faith are omit- ted r yea all that is eff.otial to Chriftianity is contained in Baptifmcr a very narrow room. 3. Jr is invaip to pretend Oral Tradition for any needful thing omitted in the Scripture Ile- lords, though the Effentials and greatenpra&i- cal Matters of Religion are molt certainly de- livered us both ways, even by the Scriptures, and by the Univerlal publick pra&ice o fthe Churches. R 4 The