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Ch. I; The Afcenf ;on: Th Préfume not tó enquire into Gods ferrets, of which this is one, at 'what time'Göd will advance you and his Ifrad to vifible Reign and Glory. But 'fuch Poweras isfitteft for you at Freiem, ye fhall receive by the coiningof the Holy Ghoft upon your by which you !hall be finabled to declare your Tefttmony ofwhat you have feen andheard of me, throughout the Earth. Note, It may frein ftrange that Chrift con- futeth not theirconceit ofanIfi'aelitillt Kingdom reftored, but only' their demands about the fea- fon. But they were fo far in the Right, as that Christ would advance believing Ifraelites with the reft of the Catholic's Church, though not leftorethe Mofaick Policy; nor let the Ifraelites over others in a local Monarchy at yerufalem. ThereforeChrist intimateth that they*all have better than they expe&ed, which the Spirit Mould teach them better to underftand. g. And when he had fpoken thefe things, while they beheld, he was takenup, and a cloud receivedhilts out oftheirfight. ` 9. Note,- No doubtbut Christ's body it's entrance in the Glorious Region ofSpirits. be- came glorious and fpirimal eminently, fuch as Faal faith ours shall be. s Cor. t s. a. The fight ofChrist'sAfcenfion tnuftneeds be as full an afcertainingof the ApoRles Faith, itshisRefurreftion; And it matbe no wonder that four.iivangelifts mention it not, it being enoughthat any mention it,God's Spirit making their feveral Hiftories indited by him to be atoneBook. ' i o. And while they looked fted- . faftIyy toward 'heaven, OS he went tip, beheld,'twómenftood by them inwhite`apparel ti. Which alto Paid, Ye men ofGalilee, why Rand ye gazing up into heaven? this fame Jefus which is taken up from you into heaven, fhall'fo' come in Pike trianner as ye have feen'him go into heaven. to, t 1, While they looker¿ up after him, two Angels in the likenefs of Men; in white Roadby them, laying, YeMèn ófGälilee,'gaze nomore after the body of Jefus afcended into heaven: Know. notthat hemuft there Reign in Glory, and thence fend you down the Grace andBlessingspurchased byhis life on Earth?and yet heshall come again at the dayof Judgment; attendedWith his gloriousAngels, and does not forfake you by his remove. 12. Then returnedthey untoJe- fufalem, from themount calledO' e of ail. Ch. x: liver, which is from Jerufalem a fabbath day's journey. 12. Note, Mount Olivet at theneareft part is but five Furlongs fronn'pruf:demo, (aFurlong is fixhundred feet, and five Furlongs a thoufand Yards.) And Chrift is laid Luke 24, to lead them out as faras Bethany, which is Paid tobe fifteen furlongs from'yerufálem, yohaT t. s t. To undcrttand this, Tome fay, 1, That Bethany was the nameof a large (pace of Ground (át Hackneywhere TomeHoules are far nearer Lon- don than other) 2. And that Christ afcended not from the neareft part ofMount Olivet, but front the top : And it is poffible that Christ might lead them as far as Bethany, and in the houle ofLat eras inftru& them, and go forth again with them to the topof the Mount, and thence afcend,' i8: And when they were come in,''they,went up into an upper room, where abode bothPeter, and Jmties, and John, and Andrew, hilip, andThomas, .$artholpmety, and Mattheby, James the fan ofAl- pheus, and SimonZelotes, andJu: das the brother of james. i 4. Thefe all continued with one accord in prayer and fupplication with the women, and Mary the mother of 'Jefus, andwith hisbrethren. rq, Note, Thé fight OfChristAfcending con; firmed their Faith. 2. And that Faith presently caufed confiant"Prayer `in Cndcord and Com- munion. I 5. Andin thofe days Peter Rood up in the inidit of the difciples, and Paid, (the number Of the names to- gether were about anhundred and twenty.) '15.'An'hundred and twenty beingaflem- bledfor Prayer and mutual encouragement its Fait: rb. Men and brethren, this fcrip- tune mutt needs have been fulfilled, which the holy Ghoft by the mouth of David fpake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jefus. 17. For he was numbredwith us, and hadobtained. part of this miniftry. 16. Note, This muff needs lignifie no ne:. ceflity or constraint put on paw, buta necefti- tyHypothetical, and ofconfequence, that is, iq cannot but r be true which God foretelletha: forcirc: .