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ch. z. Peters fpeech The forcfecth, 2. fadas, though a Thiefand a Devil, brad by Chrifl's own choice a part or office in she Apoftolick Order: but not after Chriit's breathing on them' and giving them the Holy Ghoft for the proper work of his univerfal Kingdom, as it began after his Refurre&ion, but only asone feet tooff rGrace tothe twelve 'Tribesof Ifraet that tùoftly refufed it, fuch may be Minifters to the condemnation ófthem, felves and others; and God may blefs their 4o&rineto his Elea. ' ' I S. Now this manpurchafed á field with the reward of iniquity ; and falling headlong, he burft at-un- der in the midit, and all his bowels gufliedout. . r 3. MMar. 27. Saithhe ftrangled himfelf: SomeExppoftors fùppofe ftrangling was not by banging himfelf, but the rage of hisConfcience Sid-Pallion did fuffçcate or ftrangle him, and that he fell down and burft: or rather that he Daft himfelfheadlongfrom Come high-place and burft: Others think that the Rope or Bough broke where he was hanged: And it's poffible without hanging he & ight at once ftrangle him. (elfwith a Cord on thebrowofrowPrecipice, and fall, orcafe himfelfdown ir. 19. And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerufalem 'infc. much as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is m ffa)', The field ofblood. I, This is commonly known, and the field to this day is as a Record ofit. 20. or it is written in thebook. ofPfalms, Let-hishabitation be de- folate, and let no man dwell there- in : and, His bifhoprick let another take. co. What is raid in Pfal. 69. 25. and Iop. F. Is ultimately to be verified ofhim : his Office another muff take. 21, Wherefore, of there men which have campanied with us, all the time that the Lord Jefus went inandout amongus, 22. Beginning from the baptifmofJohn, unto that fame day that he was taken up from us, mutt one be ordained to be a witnefs with us of his refur- redion. 21, us. 'Note, Manybefdcs the twelve did eonßantly accompany Chriffi Dueft. Why :midi the number of twelve Apoftics be yet Sept up, were not others goodWitneffes with Acts. to the DijipJes: Ch. r out being chofen Apoftles? ..4nfw, The Ifraeli- eim Polity was not utterly demolifhed till near FortyYears afterChrift's Refurredion : There. fore till then the Jews were to be Preach'd to, and the twelve Apoftles, fuited to the twelve Tribes; though after the numberWas changed by Paul's Converfion, when the Go- fpelwas to be principally lènt unto theGentiles. 23. And they appointed two, Jo- feph called Barfabas, who 'vas fur- named Juftus,,apd Matthias. 24.And they prayed, and faid,'°I'houLord, which knoweft the hearts ofall men, thew whether of thefe two thou haft chofen. 25. That he maytake part of this miniftery and apoftle- fhip, from which Judas -by tranf». greon fell, thathe might go to his own place.. 23,24, 25. Note, t. The Apoftlelhip was not only the qualification df Eye Witneffes of Chrfff's works, bur a fpecial preeminent oflike ofTome ofthofe Manywho lawhis works : All that Taw them were not Apoftles. Therefore Chrilt did let diverfity and difparityof Mi. nifterial Offices in hisChurch. 2.Peters fpeech was to all' the Dilçiples, ver. 15, 16: It's therefore to be fuppolèd that the two were chufen by all the Company, but by the Condu&ofthe Apoftles. And God by Lot chofe one of the Two, it being his Prerogative to make Apoftles. And I know no reafon why the chiefPaltors ofthe Church (at leaft in cafes cif doubt) mould not now be fo.chofen. 26. And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon MatthP. ás, and he was nut-inbred with the eleven apoftles. 26. Note, How cafual foever it Teemed, God was the undoúbred determiner of it. But f - lemnly to appeal to his determination in ludi. crows toys, or thingsalreadydetermined by his word, is but prophanely to take his name in vain. CHAP. II. r. A Nd when the day of Pente- colt was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. a. It is by molt Expofitors taken to beon the Lord's day,' though force few contradi& it. 2. Chrift chofe the time to fend the Spirit, when they were unanimoufly altembled for his wor- fhip. 2, And fuddenly there came a found