Ch. %. 11lattheas chofin. The Mts. The Holy Gbofizgivèn. Ch.2; found from heaven, as of a ruffling mighty wind, and it filled all the houfe where they were fitting. 3. And there appeared unto them clo- ven tongues, like as Of fire, and'it fat upon eachof them : 2. 3. Nate, It is likely it was only on the Apoltles. q.. And theywere all filled with the holy Ghoft, and began to fpeak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 4. They that were unlearned men, were all fuddenly filled with the Holy Ghat, who in. fpiring their mindswithSacred Light ofKnow- ledge and fervor of affe&ion, caufed them to utter words in various Languages, which they had never learnt, in the Praifes of God and his works. Note. As Baptifm entereth Men into the ftate ofGhriftianity, this effufon of the Spirit fo- lemnly invefted the Apoftles in the full stateand power oftheir Offices. 5. And there were dwelling at Jerufalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven, 5, Then were at Penteccft y'ews out ofmany Nations where they were difperfed, that came up to the Feaft. 6. Now when this was noifed abroad, the multitudecame toge- ther, and were confounded, becaufe that everyman heard them fpeak in hisown language. 7. And theywere all amazed, and marvelled, faying one to another, Behold, are not all there which fpeak, Galileans ? 8. And how hear we every man inour own tongue, wherein we were born? 9. Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mefopotainia, and in Judea, and 'Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Afia. o. Phrygia, andPamphylia, in E- gypt and in the partsof Libya about Cyrene, and ftrangèrs of Rome, Jews and profelytes, t r. Crctes and Arabians, we do hear them fpeak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 6, 7, &c. The word ofChrift and of his Gnfpel, was that which they fpake in the Tongues of all thee'Countries. r They'were all amazed, and were in doubt, faying one to ano- ther, What meaneth this-? 13. O- thers mocking, Paid, Thefemen are full of new wine. 12 t3. Some derided them as Drunken, 14. But Peter ftanding up with the eleven, lift up his voice, and (`aid unto them, Ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerufalem, be this known unto you, and hear- ken to my words : 15. For there arenot drunken, as ye fuppofe, fee- ing it is but the third hour óf the day. {4, bc. It is but nine a Clcck at which time Menufe to pray farting, (and D,unkénnefs will not enable a Man to(peak variousLang ages.) 16. But this is that which was fpoken by theprophet Joel, 17. And. it !hall come topafs in the lait days, (faith God) I will pour out of my Spiritupon all"flefh : and your Eons and your daughters !hall prophetic; and your young men shall fee vita- ons, and your old Bien shall dream dreams: 18. And on my fervants,and on my handmaidens I will our out in thofe days ofmySpirit, and they Mall prophetic 16, be. This s the fulfilling ofwhatloci Prophefied ofthe tintes of t!-.e Meffiah, &c. 19. And I will thewwonders in heaven above, and figns in the earth beneath ; blood, and fire; and va- pour of finoke. zo. The fun iliallbe turned into darknefs; and the moon into blood, before that great and no table day of the Lord come: zr. And it (hail cone to -pats, that who- foever !hall call on thename of the Lord, fhall be faved. 19, 20, 21. Many Prodigies in Heaven and Earth, as if the frame ofNature did (hake-'or were altered, (hall go before the defteuBtion cf the Temple andNation oftheJews. But faidul 1. prayingChriftians !hall be fared. àz. Ye men ofIfrael, hear there wards,