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Ch. 2. Peter's Sermon The words, Jefus of Nazareth, a man approved ofGod among you, by miracles and wonders and figns, which God did by him in the midi} pfyou as ye your.felves altoknow: 23. Him being delivered by the de- terminate counfel and foreknow- ledge of God, ye have taken, and by wickedhands have crucified and gain : i4. Whom God bath railed pp, having loofed the painsofdeath ; becaufe it was not pofïible that he fhould beholdenof it. 22, 2/, 2¢. You deny not the fa& ofthofe Miracles done by Jefus, which are the infalli- ble works ofGod'sattellarion : God's determi- nate Counfel having appointed him to die as a Sacrifice for theSins ofthe World, and he fóre- bncwing all that your wicked hearts do in it hereto, accordingly with wicked hands you have murdered him, (sot at all excufablé by the raid decree or foreknowledge ofGod.) But God railed him from thedead having lootedthe bonds ófDeath, it being impoffible he Ihould he heldand conqueredby it. leste, The word tranflated Pains ofdeath, may he allo tranflat:d bonds : But if it muffbe read (Pains] Death as a reparation ofSoul and body is by privation a Penal (late, though not dolorous by pofitive evil, yet fome think that the Article ofDefcent into Hell fignifieth'fome pofitive penalty onChrift's foul, calledhere The :Painsof Death: But moft think otherwife. 25. For,David fpeaketh concern- inghim, I forefaw the Lord always before my face, f he is on my right hand, that I thouId not be moved. 26. Therefore did my heart rejoyce, and my tongue was glad moreo- ver alto, my feth fiïall i'ef'c in hope. Z7. Becaufe thou wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither wilt thoufuller thine holy One to feecorruption. Note, Though David fpake this partly of bimfelf,the HolyGholt fpakeit byhimofChrift, That Godwould not !cave him in the Rateof Death, nor (uffer his body to becorrupted: 2$. Thou haft made known} to ene the ways oflife; thou fhaltmake me full ofjoy withthy countenance, g. Men and brethren, let nie free- ly fpeak unto you of the patriarch rfgvid, that he is both' dead sand a*anomsm Mts. concerning Uri". Ch. 2: buried, and his fepulchre is with us unto this day : 30. Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had fworn with an oath tohim, that of the fruit ofhis loins, according to the flelh, he would MileupChrilt to fit on his throne: 3 s. He feeing this before, fpakeof the refurreiori of Chrift, 'that his foul was not left in hell, neither his flefhdid fee cot-, ruption. 30. *wail. Flow is Chrift laid to fit on Da- aid's Tfirone, which was ofa vifible Earthly lcingdom .Anfw. It is that which was princi- pallymeant in the promileto David : And the éminent and the higheft Reign containeth the lower under itspow& a. The 'ArtideofChrif,'sdefcent into Hell, is fq largelyhandled by many, that 1 will not here interpole'anymoreofit, thah to fay that I take' it 'to be belt expounded by A. Bifhop Viher, in his Anfwer to the Jefuírs challenge: And thisText (peaking firft of David, andula ttlnately ofChrift,' feemeth to mean no other Hell for Chrift, butwhat Davidmeant of him, felt: which is !lades, the State of (emoted Souls, as filch. 32.. This Jefus hath God railed up, whereof 'vve all are witneffes: 33. Therefore being by the right hand'of Cod exalted, and having received of the Father the prom].ee of the holy Ghoft,he bath flied forth this which ye now fee and hear. 32. We beingall Witneffesof his Aefurre&l on, and Afcenfion, he being in Glory in the fill- nefsof hisPower, andhaving promifed thus to fend down theHoly Ghofi, kath performed his promife, as ye fee and hear : ' a. To prove by thisMiracle, the truthofhis Power to convince Unbelievers, 2. And to enableus toTeach the Gofpel to the people ofdiversLanguages in the World. Neie, The Apoftleswergcredible Witnefies óffa& : 2. The Holy Ghoft is the infallible evi- Bence that Chrifts mton and power is ofGod. 34 FoeDavid isnot afcended ins to the heavens: buthe faith himfelf, The LORD Paid unto. my Lord, Sit thou 'on my right hand, 25. Until J make thy foes thy footftool. 34 David went not up to Heaven bodilyas Jefus dîd, fbutonlyhis Soul ; but heProp edofChrif}'s Afcenfion and Glory. 36. Therefore let all the kloufe of