Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ä ¡rear number The of Ifrael know alfuredly, that God hath made that fame Jefus whom ye have crucified; both Lord and Chrift. . 36. All ofyou therefore, believe thefeDi vine atteftations, andknow afTuredly that this Jefus whom you Crucified is inGlory, exalted by God to be the Lord, King and Saviour. 37. Nowwhen they heard this, theyWere pricked in their heart,and raid unto Peter,and to the reft ofthe äpoftles, Men and brethren, what (hall we do'? 3. Thefewords.accdmpanied with fo great Evidence; and the work of theSpirit nowpou- red out, they could not refift, but their hearts convinced were prickt or wounded with grief and fear, to find that ttiey had Crucified the Meff ah whom they expè&ed ; And they cried out, Is there yet no hope or remedy ? If there be, what Siallwedo? .. 38. Then Peter faid unto them; Repent, and be baptized everyone Of you in the name ofJefus Chrift, for the , remit ion of fins, , and ye fhall receive the gift of the holy Ghoft. 38. There is yet hope and remedy. Repent Of this andall your fins,andgiveup your felves by Faith to Chrift in the Baptifmal Covenant, and your fins fhall be remitted, and this Holy Ghoft which you now admire Ihall altobegiven unto you. . 39 For the promife is Únto you, ánd to your children, .and toall that 'are afar off; even as many as the Lord our God thancall. 39. For the Meffrahwith his Grace ofRe- million, and the Spirit, is pro nifed and is of- fered tóyou that areJews, andtour whole Na. e onand Children in the Wilt place, and Bull be yours yet,, ifyouaccept theoffr: And not to you only, but to as many as God fhall call ofthe Gentiles in the remoteft parts of the World : For Chrift is now tobe. theUniverfal King and Saviour ofall Nations and Perfons that accept him. 40. And with many otherwords did he teftifie and exhort, faying, Save your felves from this unto- ward generation. 40. And With many more Exhortations he perfwaded them to believe and repent., and not to imitate the unbelieving, perfecuting, hardned part ofthe Jews, left they perifh With Sheen. Alls. Converted. Ch. 41.Then they that gladly received hisword, were baptized.: and the. fameday therewere addedunto them abôut three.thoufand fouls. qt; Then they that believed and gladly con- fenced to be Chriftians, were baptized : And that day about three thoufand Were converted to Chriftianity. a:. Thefe Jews were before inftruáed its much ofthe Law and Prophets, and therefore, theirBaptifm.was not delayed fo long as the following Churches delayed the Baptizing of the Gentile Catechumens. 2. Yet though alt were Convertedthat day, it is not certainthat . allwere Baptized that day. 3. None wereBap. fixedthaçdid not profefs to believe the Effen. dais ofthe Baptifmal Covenant (That Jefun is the Chrift fent ofGod to reconcile us to him, And give us remiffion offin, and hisSpirit and everlaftingSalvation) ; and profeft dot Willing content to the Covenant. . qz. Acid they cotitinined ftedfaft- ly in.the apofties dodrineand fel- lowthip, and in breaking of bread, and inprayers. 42. And being thus Convinced, Converted and Sacramentlybound and devoted to Chrift, theycontinued united in Communion with the Apoftles, in learning their Do&rive, and it4 brotherly Communication and Love, and in Celebration of the Lord's Supper, and in cou.- jun& Prayer : The Apoftles condu&ing theSa ciety in. all this. 43. And feat came upon every foul : and manyWonders and figns were done by theapoftles, 43. The wonder amazed all.,tnen, and the' Miracles wrought by the Apoftles increafed mens convi&iort. 44. And all that believed were together,and hadall things common; 45. And fold their pal11-ions and goods, and parted them to allmen; as every man had need. 44. The greatneft of the thing raifed them above the World, and the Holy Ghoft filled themwith filch Love as made every one to be to another as himfelf, and fo made all com- mon, not by deftroying Propriety, but Seiffìt. nefs, and caufing Charity : And God that mo. ved them to ir, knew that they werequickly, to be driven from their Poffeffions in yudet, 46. And they continued daily withone accord in the temple, and breaking breadfromhoufe tohoufe, did