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Ch. 3= Á lame man The Aas: reftored. Ch. 3. did eat .their meat with gladnefs diately his feet and anclebones re- and finglenefsof heart, ceived ftrength. 8. And he leaping 46. In the Temple was the meeting ofthe up; ftood, and walked; and entred multitude, and fromHoufe to Houfe they had With them into theremple,walking, their leffer Meetings, where theydid eat togç- ther and Sacramentally Communicate, and all and leaping, and praifing God. with great ley and finglenefs of heart. 7. Note, This and filch Miracles were not at Nose, Breekeg Bread fometime fignifieth the meer will oftheApoftles; b tt whit God common eating together, and fomerimes Sa. would work them, his Spirit by infpiration cramenral Communicating. And it is liken made it known to them, and put them on. here rofgoiic bothconjuná; becaufe there the 9. And all. the people law him Church ofed the Sacrament at the end of a walking and praifing God. io. And Meal and not alone as now. 47. Praiíing God, and having they knew that it was hewhich fat favour with all the people. And for alms at the Beautiful gate of the Lord added to the church daily the temple : and they were filled fuch as fhould be faved. with wonder and amazement at 47. Praifing God and applauded byall, (or that which had happeneduntohim. in Charity to all) : God daily added to the 9, lo. He had Co long ufed to be there bes Church new Converts, faved from unbelicf and ging, that they well knew him, and wondred fin, and to be five&by further Grace and at thè change. Glory. i i . And as the lime man which CHAP. III. was healed, heldPeter and John,al! the people ran together unto them s . K Ow Peter and John went up in the porchthat is calledSolomon'sf 4-++ together into the temple at greatly wondring. the hour of prayer, being the ninth ar. The Miracle made the People crowd to hoar. gaze at them. n. Note. They conformed to the Jews ordi- i 2.And when Peter favv Olean, nary way of chulì.ng the Temple for a place of fwered unto thepeople, Ye men of Prayer, and chafing thecommon Hour. Ifrael, why marvel eat this ? or a. And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, why look ye ur ownneoweoor bolls whom they laid daily at the gateof g y p r h inefs we had made thisman to walk? the temple which is calledBeautiful, to ask alms of them that entred into the temple. 3. Who feeing Peter and John about to go into the tern- ple,asked analms. 4. And Peter fa- ftening hiseyes uponhim,with John, Laid, Look on us. 5. And he gave heed unto them , expedt- ing to receive fomething of them. 6. Then Peter laid, Silver and gold haveI none : but filch asI havegive I thee: In the name ofJefus Chrift ofNazareth, rife up and walk. s. Note, I. They that have not Money may have muchbetter : Holinefs and Spiritual Ri- ches are found molt with Poverty. 2. God gavethis Cripple better thanhe asked. 7. And he took him by the right hand, and lift him up : and imme- t n. After allthe Miracles that Chrift himfelf did, whymake youCo ftrange a matter ofthis : or whygaie you with wonder on us, as ifyou thought we did it by our own Power or Hon- nets. 13. The Godof Abraham, andof' Ifaac, and of Jacobs the God ofour fathers hath glorifiedhis Son Jefus whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the prefenceofPilate, when he was determined to let him go. .14. But yedenied the holy One,and the juft,anddefired a murderer tobe granted unto you, i 5. And killed the prince of life, whom God bath railed from the dead : whereofwe are witneffes. 13. This is the work (Aldusglorified, whom ye Murdered, though hewas the Holy One and