Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

th. Pepentance The Tuft, and the Lord ofLife,'now railed to Glory. 16. And his name, through faith in his name bath- made this man i}rong,whorn ye fee' and know : yea, the faith which is by him, bath gi- ven him this perfect foundnefs in the prefence of you all. 16. ,ueff. Whole Faith was it? The lame man Stewed no belief in Chrift before he was healed, ..fnfw. t . It was by the Apoftles Faith. 2. And for the generating Faith in others. 17. And now brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did allo your rulers. 17. N, Ignorance is the common cauCe ofer- ter and all fin r But Come mens ignorance is morewilful thanothers and againft more light; and bath lets excufe ; And fò was the Rulers worfe than the Peoples. 1S. But thofe things whichGod before hadMewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Chrift Mould fuffer, he hath fo fulfilled. 18, Godwho decreed Chrift's fufferings for man, foretold it and permitted your fin that did it, and his Prophecies and Promifes ofour Redemption are thus fulfilled. 19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your fins may be blotted out, when the times of re- frefhingMall comefrom the prefence ofthe Lord, 2o, And he Mall fend Jefus Chrift, which before was preached unto you : 19, 20. Repent therefore of your rejeE3ing Jefus Chrift, and be Converted to trueChrißi- anityand Godlinefs, that your fins maybe for- given, and Co found to your comfort, when the time ofChri is glorious return ¡hall rejoyceall true believers, and God Stall fend Jefus vifibly tojuftifie and glorifie them, whom we now $reaéh to you, and whowas defìgned to be ohr Saviour. 21. Whom the heaven muff re- ceive, until the times of reftitution ofall things, which God hath fpo- ken by the mouth of all his holy prophets, fince the worldbegan. a1. Who muff be in the Heavens in Glc- .ry (not vifible here) till the great and bleflèd change flan come which Godhath promifedby all his Prophets, and finand curfè feint be taken away, and the CreationShall be delivered from the bondage c_{f Çsrvuptiyst} top the gloriop¢ li ACTS. Preacler.L Chi. berty of the Sons of God, and there !hag to a $ew Heaven and a new Earth in which Thiel dwell R9ghteoufnefs Even the time of our a= dual, full Redemption and Salvation. zi.For Mofes truly Paid unto tht fathers, A prophet fhall the Lord your God raife up unto you ofyour brethren,likeUntome ; him !hall ye hear in all things whatfoever he Mall fay unto you. 23. And it f`iiall come to pafs, that every foul which will not hear that prophet, Mall be deftroyed from among the people. 22, 23. Norr, Though Mofes immediately fpake of the Speciesof the yerVifh Government by a Prophetical Theocracy, that God would. not Rule them by Eleáive or Hereditary Kings, but by Prophets or Men Prophetically called (till they caft off this Theocracy); yet the Ha. ly GhoS here tells us that Mofes eminentlyProp phefied thisofChrift, who mutt be Univerfally obeyed asour Soveraign, and not to Obey him will be lure Condemnation, ofwhich the geSbi deflru&ion was a fore_tafte. 24. Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel,and thofe that follow after, asmany as have fpoken, have likewife foretoldofthefe days. 24. The Cum ofalrthe Prophetswas tof&8 tell the Sufferings and the Kingdom of Chrift now begun. 25. Ye are the children of the prophets,and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, laying, unto Abraham, And in thy feed Mali allthe kindreds ofthe earth be blef° fed. 25. According to theViethye are the Porte; city ofthe Prophetical Nation, and firft in that Covenant which God made with .Abraham¡ pronouncingallNations bleffed in his Seed, is thence deriving their bleffèdnefr. 26. Unto you firft, God having raifed up his Son Jefus, fent him to biefs you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. 26. Accordingly God having raifed up his Son, doth firft offer him and his Grace to you beforehebe Preached to theGen.:tits ; wede= Clare to youhis Miracles, Refurredionand 1)0- urine, that you may be turned feom +r oor u5 belief and other fins, and be a People firft bici;. fed, as pardoned, and fanaified6 and faced by his Grace. CH i? V,