bi; "4: The Rulers offended. The Acts: Peter's Speeds. C H A P. IV. the good deed done to the impotent r.ANdasthey, fpake uñto the pep- man, by what. means he is .madè pie, thepriefts; and the cap- whole ; ro. Be it knownunto ,you tain of the temple; and the Saddu- all, and to all , the people ofIfrael; Gees came upon themiz.Being grit- that by the nameof Jefus Chrift of ved that they taught the people,and Naaareth,whomye crucified;whom ¡preached through Jefus the refurre- Godmired from the dead, evenby t Lion from the dead 3. And they him dbth this man Randhere before laid hands on them, andput them yòu whole. hold unto the next day t for it $ rt is Chrift's Power that did the Cure,and to his Glory they proclaim it. ; was now eveneatPe r r. This is the.ítone whichwas t, Note, The great Perfecutors andSilencers were the,PriJba (who ihouldhave been the ho- fet atnought ofyou builders,which lieft) and the Saddrkeea that believed no life is become the head of, the, corner. but this, añdnext the Soldiers that were mer- I a. Neither is there ralvation in a- penal.. One. would wonder what Mould make fuch Brutiftsasthe $ailduceet ro be filch furious ny other i for there is none, other Silencers and P'erfecutors: If there were no life name under heaven *Ong o to come, what harm can other Mens hopes of men whereby we Inuft be Caved. it dothem? But in depraved Souls all Faculties , it ¡z, He whom you:reje&ed` is madethe are vitiated, . A blind mind lath a malignant Leader and Headover all : And it is only by heart anda Creel bandj to this:day: Who Per- trusting and obeying him that Caved. fecute Men more for Preachingand reekingthe I Now when they .taw the Heavenly Glory,than Atheifts and Brutifts who 3 . believe there is nonefnch ? boldnefs of Peter and John, and Howbeir,many Of themwhich perceived that they were unlearned Beard the word, believed ; and the and ignorant men, they marvelled; number of the inen iväs abóüt five arid they took knowledge of them, thoufand, that they had beenwith jefus. 13 When they perceived their. freedom of fpeech, andthat they hadnot been bred up to Learning, but Were vulgar perfons untaught: theymarvelled, and took notice that they had teen themwith Jefus. . ì 4 Andbeholding the manwhich washealed f}anding with them,theÿ could fay nothing against it. . a4. The Evidence of the fa& flenced them at prefent, but 'did not cure their hardened hearts,. i 5, But when they had comman- ded them to go aide Out Of the council,they conferredamong them= felves, 16. Saying,' What 1ha11 we do to thefe men ? for that indeedá notable miracle hash been done by 4. The Affembly that owned Christianity was increafed to above five thoufand, and that tu4eefs grieved theMalignants, 5. And it came to pals on the morrow,thattheir rulers,and elders, and fcribes? . 6. And Annas the high prieft, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, andas many aswere of the kindredof the high prieft; were gathered togetherat JJerufalem. s. Their Rulers, the High Priefts and their Conforts met in Council. 7. And when they had fet them in the midft, they asked, By what power, or by what name have ye done this ? y. Who gave you Power and Authority to them, is manifeft to all them that fet up as Miracle workers and Preachers to the dwell in Jerufalem, andwe cannot Peoplet deny It.17. Butthat it fpreadno fur- 8. Then Peter filled with the ho- ther among the people,let us'ftrait- ly Ghoft, faidunto them, Ye rulers ly threaten them, that they fpeak ofthe people, and elders of Ifrael, henceforth tono man in this name. g. If we this day be examined pi is. NM. p a blindnea ftnd Deyil