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Ch. 4. The boldnef of The lignity ofthefe filencers of Chrif's Minifters? While theyconfefs the Miracle, and should con- Cult how to repent of their former wickednefe, they go on to confine how to I lence the Prea- chers, and think the Apoftles fo cowardly, that their chreaming would ferve to hinder them from preaching. 18. And they called them, and commanded themnot tofpeakat all, nor teach in the name of Jefus. 19. . But Peter and John anfwered and faid unto them, Whether it be right in the fight of God, to hearken unto youmore thenuntoGod, judgeye. 18,19. Thehardened Wretches calledtherm and filenced themby their pretendedAuthority, commanding them not to (peak at all, nor teach in the name of Jefus: But Peter and'Iohn an- fwered, The miracle proveth God's atteftation, and we know it by his fpirit, and dare you fay that you are greater than God, and that we Should obey you against his command ? None but an Atheift dare affirm it. R. But may not Chriftian Rulers and Pre- lates lilence Minifters, though theJewishmight not? ..10f Either of them may fitence Btef- phemy and Wickednefs: But fore Chriftian Ru- lers have nomore power to fight againft Chrift andhisGelpel,and ¡Hence his Minifters,than Hea- thens, but much more obligation to encourage them. R. But mutt not Minifters, called by Men, obey Men that filence them, though Apoftles .called by Chrift, might not t .Anfw. They that are called juftly by Men, Are called by Chrift, who that way figntfied his Will a And Timothy that was called by Men, is charged before God and the Lord Jefus Chrift, who !hall judge, dry. to preach the word, and be infant in feafon and outoffeafon, cre. Which way foever Chrift call Men, theyarebound to be true to him. Chrifti- an Rulersmutt be obeyed in the determination ofCircumftances (as time, places, maintenance, &c.) Whichare left to them as Judges of Edi- fication; but not whenthey forbid Chrift'sMi- nifters thework to which they arevowed, and confecrated, unlefs they be unable, of forfeit their Commifan. The Paftors or Bithops Preach- edthree hundred years againft the Will ofEm. perors and Kings, and long after againft the Will ofChriftian Emperors, called .Arian, Eu- tychians, Monothelites, &c. zo. For wecannot but fpeak the 'things which we have fèen and heard. 2o. We are npt fo blind andhardened, as to . go against all the Divine Evidence, which we have teen and heard, and to filentewhat God bids itsfpeak, ofWhich We have heedkite Eye Est Wicfiefiefötiï (elves! Aets. Peter andY Z.n. 4 21. So when they had further threatned them, they let them go, finding nothing how. theymight pu- nifh them, becaufe of the people: forall men glorified God for that which was-done. 2r. The common People Were not fo blind- ed, hardened andmalignant, as theChief Priefts and Rulers, but glorified God forthat which did but fir up the Rulersmalice. 2. Godmade the People a refttaint tothe Priefts andRulers rage, 2z. For the man was above four- tyyears old, onwhom thismiracle of healing was (hewed. 22. For the cafe was paft all doubt, the Man' having beenthus lameforty years, Chap. 3. 2. z3. And being let go, they went to their own company, and report- ed all that the chief priefts and el- ders had faid unto them. 24. And when they heard that, they lift up their voice to God with oneaccord, and faid, 23. Note, Not that all are fuppofedwithcön: junít voice to fay juft the fame words, but ei- ther force ofthem one part and fore another; or Tome raid tilde words with others acclama- tions and content : or theyall fpake by turns to the fame fettle. Lord, thouart God whichhaft made heaven and earth, and the fea, and all that in them is : 25. Whit by the mouth of thy fcrvant David haft faid, Why did theheathen rage, and the people imagine vain things ? z6. Thekings of the earth ftoodup; and the rulers were gathered toge- ther againft the Lord, and againft his Chrift: 24. God Prophefied by David, that theIìa= lers of the Nations; Gentiles and Jews, fbbuld in vain joyo their Counfels and Powers againft Chrift, his Gofpel and hisKingdom: 2,7. For ofa truth againft thyho- ly child Jefus, whom thou haft a-. nointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the p®ople of Ifrael Were gathered to- gether. 28. For to do whatfoever thy hand and thy counfeldetermined before to bedone; _ 2J. 1