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Ch. q. The ChurchPryeth. The AIs. Their Charity: Ch. q,: 27. All combined by their own wickednefs farm duirTeftittwny ofChrift's Refurre&icn: to do that which God bath fore- determined : And the favour of God and Man was upon God fore-decreed that Chrift fhould be a Sacri- them, or great charity prevailed among them. fice for fin; but the wicked determinations of 34, Neitherwas there any among their Rills that did it, God only fotefaw and them that lacked : for as many as permitted, but did not caufe. were offeffours of lands, or houfes, And now, Lord, behold their p threatnings : and grant unto thy fer- fold them, and brought the prices of vanes, that with all boldnefs they the things that were fold, 35. And may fpeak thy word. 3o. By ftretch- laid them down at the apoRles feëë ing forth thine hand to heal : and and difiribution was made unto e- that figns and wonders may be very man according as he had need. done by the name of thy holy 34. This wasneither to be the conftant pea. y y Rice, nor yet was it an unwifè excels ofzeal. child Jefus. But it was a prefent effe& of the Spirit, to 29, 3o. Note, z. That the threatnings ofma- thew what a decree of Love all Chriftians lignant People are a fir opportunity for God's Should defire, and what felt denial and con- Grace to his Servants. 2. BoldnefsCO Preach tempt ofRiches it fhould caufe. when unjuftly forbidden, is a great effe&of 36. And Jofes, who by the apo- files wasfurnamed Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, The fon of confolation) a Levite, and of the countrey of Cyprus, 37. Having land,fold it,andbrought themoney, and laid it at the apoRles feet. 36, 3y. To lignifie hisrenouncing theWorld and felfifhnefs in Love to Chrift andhis Church; he himfelf being after to go abroad the World to preach the Gofpel. God's grace tohis Servants. 3. The gifts ofcon- vincing Miracles, though promifed, malt be prayed for by them: 31. And when they had prayed, the place was fhaken where they were affembled together ; and they were all filled with the holy Ghoft, and they fpake the word of God with boldnefs. 3 t. The Spirit caufed them thus topray, and more ofthe Spirit was poured on them, in an- fwer to thoCc Prayers: giv ing theboldnefs which they asked, and that with a fignal fhaking of the place. 3z. And the multitude of them that believed, were of one heart, and of one foul ; neither faid any of them, that oughtof the things which he poffeffed, was his own, but they had all things common. 3 2, Theywere all ofone mind, and will and pia&ice, united in fervent Love, which made all common to them, Note. It was not acommonnefs by levelling Tides, but by voluntary fervent love. 2. And the Spirit slid this in the beginning to give the world an example what true Chrifianity and the Spirits Operation is, even loch fervent love to each other for Chrifts fake, as deftroyeth all finful f lfifhnef:,andmaketh others iutercft to be to us as our own, and fo unitethas in one Body. 33 And with great power gave the gpofles witnefs of the refurre- erion of the Lord Jefus : and great grace was upon them all. 33. And with evident Miracles and won- aierlul Gifts of the Spirit, did the Apoftles per- CHAP. V. I.RUt a certain man named A- L nanias, with Sapphira his wife, fold a pofíefiïon, z. And kept backpart of the price, his wife alto being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apo- files feet. 3. ButPeter faid, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the holy Ghoft, and to keep backpart of theprice of the land. I. Trey pretended to give the Whole price; but brought a part and faid it wasall,---Why haft thou let Satan put fo great a fin into thy heart, as to think to deceive the holy Ghoft in us Apofties, as if he knew not when thou lycft. Note. The fin confined, r. In Hypotrifie, pre. tending to give more than he did. 2. in the remnant of a worldly diftruftful mind, that could, not ti oft God with all. 3. In blafphemy agairft the Holy Ghoft implyed, as ifhe knew rot the heart. 4. In refervingwhat he pretend- ed to devote, whichwas a kind of Sacrilege. 4, Whiles it remained, was it not thin