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Ch: 5, 'Inanias and The Aas: Sapphira; Ch. 5: thine own ? andafter itwas fold,was Love, fear Mercisy needanitld . Salvation, God feeth that it not in thine own power ? why haft 1 z. And by the hands of theapo- thou conceived this thing in thine ftles were many figns and wonders wrought among the people ; (and they were all with one accord in So- lomon's porch. 12. A large Porch into the Temple, was the place oftheir unanimous affembling, 13. And of the reft durft no man joyn himfelf to them: but the people magnified them. 13. Note. Though the Gofpel invite all, it flattereth none; but will tell Hypocrites and Ly- ars oftheir danger, to drive them from entering deceitfully into the Church. As there is more hope in the Church to the Encere, there is more danger there to Hypocrites,than to thofewithout. 14. And believers were the more heart ? thou haft not lied unto men, but unto God. 4. While it wasunfold, it was thyown and in thy power, and fo was the money when thou jutdit fold it ; why did thy heart conceive fo great a fist, as to play the Hypocrite and Lie? Drdlt thou not know that it was to God whoknew thy heart? 5, And Ananias hearing thefe words, fell down and gave up the ghoft : and great fear came on all them that heard thefe things. s. Note. This was by part of the Apoftolical Power, to (retaiu fin) or punith ir, in the time and manner that the Spirit in them did choofe: which made Believersfee that Chrift hathpuniEa- ment and is to be feared, when mercy and added to the Lord, multitudes both holy things are abufed. 6, And the youngmen arofe,wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him. 7. And it was about the fpace 'of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. 8. And Peter anfwered un- to her, Tell me whether ye fold the land for fo much. And fhe Paid, Yea, for fo much. q. Then Peter faid unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet ofthem which have buried thy husband are at the door, and thatl carry thee out. lo. Then fell thedown ftraightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghoft : and the young men came in and found her dead, and carrying her forth, bu- ried her by her husband. 6. Nate, This wasto confirm the honour of the Holy Ghoít in the Apathies, and the certainty of their Tettimony Sealed by him ; and to do that which Magittrares, by the Sword, afterwards were to do. Asthe Prophetical Theocracy under Mofes and yelhua, differed from the Monarchy of Saul; fo more did the Apoftles, punilhing men by the power of the Holy Ghoß, from Chriftian Magittrateswho came after. 11. And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard thefe things. la, _ate, Finder oche gtofi joyful tidings of of men and women.) 14. Yet thefe Judgments frightning away Hy- pocrites, hindred not the increale ofthe Church ; but the powerful works of the Holy Ghoft, ex- ternal and internal, converted multitudes ofboth Sexes. 15. Infomuch that they brought forth the lick into the ftreets, and laid them on beds andcouches, that at the leaft, the fhadowof Peter pallingby, might overshadow force of them. Is. As Nature taught them to delire the heap ing of their bodies, experience taught them to expeh miraclesfrom the Apoftles, and that the very fhadaw of Pete? thould tend toheal then:. 16. There came allo a multitude out of the cities round about untoJe- rufalem, bringingFick folks,and them which were vexed with unclean fpi- rits: and they werehealed every one. 16. Note, Reader, Thatall this was done as well for us at this day, as for them then : All our hopes, comforts and holinefs dependeth on our belief of the protnifes of the life to come by Chrift: The things are unfen and much above us : Had we not God'sown Tefrimony from Hea- ven, bymany uncontrouled miracles, our reaCon would be puzzled and in doubt, and our Faith might fail: But Godknowethour weaknefs, and by all the miracles that they were then convinced by, who faw them, we alfa are convinced, to whom, byinfallible record they are tranfmitted s as ifwehad stood byand feenall thefe things,' 17. Then the high prieft role up, and all they that were with him S z (which J