Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 5. The Apoftles The (which is the Seat of the Sadducees) andwerefilledwith indignation, is. And laid their hands on the apoftles, and put them in the common prifon. 17, 18. Note. So horridly corrupted was the Arch Pi iefthood in thole timer, that the Atheifti- cal BrutilhSidducees were their party ;Priefthood and Prophane Brutifts were as one Body: Malig- nity filled thefe with indignation,and made them perfecute andimprifon the Apoftles. 19. But the angel of theLord by night opened the prifon-doors, and brought them forth,and laid, 20. Go, $and and fpeak in the temple to the people, all the words of this life. 19 20. God will be above Man : Angels can do more than Devils and Perfccutors : They can open thePrifon doors, and fay, Go and fear not chefe proud Tyrants, but preach to the People in the Temple, all the DottrineofChrift's Refurre- Éâion, and ofour Refurre&ion and Salvation by him ; and let Prieftsand Sadducees, and Infidels do their worft to you. 2r .And when they heardthat,they entred into the temple early in the morning, and taught. But the high prieft came, and they thatwere with him, and calledthe council together, and all the fenate of the children of Ifrael, and lent to the prifon to have them brought. at. ThePrieft and his Council rent to have them broughtout of Prifon before them. zz.But when theofficerscame,and found them not in the prifon,they re- turned, and told, 23. Saying, The prifon truly found we ¡hut with all fafety,and the keepers ftanding with- out before the doors: but when we had opened,we found no manwithin. 22. It was not long of the Keepers that they got our. 24. Nowwhen the high prieft,and the captain of the temple, and the chief priefts heard there things they doubted of them whereunto this would grow. 24. Note, They lawthat God overcame their malice, and that the Gofpel would not he fo ca. aly fuppreft as they imagined. 2 5.Then came oneand told them, faying,Behold the men whom yeput Aecs: feized. Ch. 5': in prifon, are ftanding in the temples and teaching the people. 26. Then went the captain with the officers,and brought themwithout violence: (for they feared the people,left they fhould have been ftoned) : 26. Note. It's ftrange that theyaccufrd not the People ofSedition, or Rebellion, ora Riot ; and the Apoftles ofheading it. 27. And when they had brought them,they letthem before the council: and the high prieft asked them, 28. Saying,Did not we ftraitly command you, that you fhouldnot teachin this name ? and behold,ye have filled Je- rufalemwith your doátrine, and in- tend to bring this man's blond upon us. 27. Note,O the blindnef and madnefs ofproud Worms !What are your commands againtt God? Did not God command you not to murder, and them to Preach irisWord? Did notyou bring his bloodupon your felves? 29. ThenPeter and the other apo- ftles anfwered andPaid, We ought to. obey God rather then men. 29. Note, This none ofthem durft deny : But it is confcience and obedience to God that Diabo- lifts fight againft. 30. TheGod of our fathers railed up Jefus, whom ye flew and hanged on a tree. 31. Him hath God exalted withhisright hand:to bea Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Ifrael, and forgivenefs of fins. 30. That Godofour Fathers, whom you, pro- fefs toobey, bath railed up jefus, whom yecru- cified, from death, and hathexalted him by and at his righthand, to be the Lord ofall, and the Saviour of his people, togive thetas converting grace, and repentance, and forgivenefsof fins. 32.. And we are his wimeffes of there things : and fo is alto the holy Ghoft,whom God hath given to them that obey. him. 33. When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took counfel to flay them. 32. And ofhis Refurre&ion and Afcenfion we are en:rafted Witnefes, and mutt not frlence our Teftimony, and of his prefent Power and Glory,this gift ofthe Spirit is a full proof, whofe effe&s you fee your felves, and which God giv- eat to them that obey his Gofpel. - 34. Thep