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Ch. 5: Gamahel's Advice. The AGis: Deacons chefin. Ch. fit 34 Then flood there up one in the there Men. The Holy Ghoß did not work Mira- cles to revenge thefe injuries to the Apoßles council,a Pharifee,namedGamaliel,a But taught them torejoyce in this reproach for doétor of law, had in reputation a- Preaching Chriß, as their great honour. mong all the people,and commanded 42. And daily in the temple, and to put the apoftles forth a littleIpace, in every houfe, they ceafed not to 3 5 And faid unto them, Ye men of teach and preach Jefus Chrift. Ifrael, take heed to your felves, what 42. And no commands, threats or trneities f ye intend to doas touching thefe men. made then, ceare Preaching Chrift publickly,ard 36. For before thefe days rofe up romhoutetohoufe. Theudas,boafting himfelf to be fore C H A P. VI. body, to whom anumber ofmen, a- r. A Nd in thofedays,when the num- bout four hundred,joined themfelves: ber of the difciples was multi- who was flair, and all as many as plied, there arofe a murmuring of obeyed him, were fcattered and the Grecians againft the Hebrews, brought to nought. becaufe their widows were negledrt-. 34. Note, This Pharifee is not fo mad as the Beaftly Sadducees: Who this Theudas was, we have no other notice, but by the words ofGe- malrel. 37.Afterthis man role up Judas of Galilee,in the days of the taxing,and drew away muchpeople after him : he alto periled, and all, even asma- ny as obeyed him, were difperfed. 37. This 7udas pretended to be a Captain of the people againft fubmitting to the Roman tax. ì.ng; which he calledfervitude andunfufferable. 38. And now I fay unto you, Re- frain from thefe men,and let them a- lone : for if this counfel,or this work faid, hisnot rcaíön that we thou Id beofmen, it will come to nought : 38. By God's Providence without your vio. leave the word of God, and ferve to lente. bles. 39. But if it be .of God, ye cannot 2. Wemuftprefer the greater before the left; overthrow it : left haply ye be found the Preaching of God's word hçfi,re the charge of dißributing to Love Feafts and to the Poor even to fight againft God. and we are not ludieient for both. 39. You willoverthr, w your felvesand not it, if it be of God: It's madnefs to fight againft 3.`Vherefore brethren, look ye out him among you fever men of honeft re- Note, O that the MalignantWorld weuld but port, full of the holy Ghoft and wif- examine which =re God is fort ed in the daily miniftration. z. Note. Thófe vows that underftood theGr.e4 Tongue, and uCfd the GreekTratSlation of the Scripture, were called Greeks: who were Tome at yerufalem, sooft at .Alexandria, and fore fcattered abroad the World. a. Even in the greater[ Exemplification ofChriftian Love, Con- cord and Self denial, the intereft of the body, and its provilions, began a murmuring amongft this thofen Flock that had all things common. And can we now expect to live without mur- muring at each other upon tors interefts and bo- dily wants, The fufferìng Party will thinkthen,. Elves injured, and will complain. 2.Then the twelve called the mul- titude ofthe difciples unto them,and they agreed and 40. And to him we may appoint over this bufinefs. when they had called the apoftles, g. Note. t, This is the fir$ call ofOfficers me= and beaten them, they commanded diatelyby Men : yet theHoly Ghoft in the Apo- that they fhould not fpeak in the Rtes inftimteth the Office; but yet they give a nameof efüs and let them o. I .And reafon for it. A Divine Inßicution, and rearm J , g 4 from neceffity andconventence,well agree. a.The they departed from the prefence of Apóft!es fix the number. 3. The Congregation the council,rejoycing that they were mußchufe the Perlons. 4. God by his Spirit i counted worthy to fuf'er fhame for the Apößtes limiteth them to cerrau, c ualificato. ors : t, Good lìeport : o. Full ofthe HolyGhoß: his name. 3. And ofWifclom. The Chofen Perlons múß. 4o, Nate. Caufelefs ßripes were the Mercy of be appointed or authorized and dircdied by the S 3 Apo-,