Ch. 7: Abe Hi/tory The Aets. t of Iliad. Ch. 7 but did not change them. So much was Dives Ifaac,and circumcifed him the eighth n Hell deceived that one from the dead would day and Ifaac begat Jacob, and Ja- onvert hisfenfual Brethren, when it is like that tfLazarus had come to them as he prayed,they cob begat the twelvepatriarchs.q,And would have put him to death again : For fo they the patriarchs moved with envy, fold confulted to do by anotherLazarus whomChrift Jofeph intoEgypt : but God waswith raifed. But where are thefe Judges and Gentle- mennow? him, t o.And delivered him out of all his afHidtions, and gave him favonr C H A P. VII. and wífdom in the fight of Pharaoh a, Hen laid the high prieft, Are thefe things fo ? t. The Arch-Prieft is the Arch-Malignant,and withfeeming Gravitydoch but enquire after Sin. 2. And he laid, Men,brethren,and fathera,hearken,The Godofglory ap- peared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mefopotatnig, before he dwelt in Charran, 3. And faid un- to him, Get thee out of thy countrey, and from thy kindred,and come into the land which I thall thew thee. 2, 3. Obey one in forfaking thy Idolatrous Country, and go to another which t will direct thee to. 4.Then came he out of the land of the Chaldcans,, and dwelt in Char- ran t and from thence,when his father was dead, he removed him into this land wherein ye now dwell. ç. And he gave him none inheritance in it, no not fo much as to let his foot on yet hepromifed that he would give it to him for a pofièflion, and to his fled after him, when as yet he had no child. 6. And God fpake on this wife, that his feed thould fojourn in a ftrange land, and that they fhould bring them into bondage, and intrear them evil four hundred years. 7.And the nation to whom they fhall be in ney of the Eons ofEm111or the father bondage, will I judge, laid God : of Sychem. and after that shall they come forth, t6. Some difference from the Flabrew Hiftory and ferve me in this place. here raiferh difficulty : The truth feemeth to be, 4, er Note, ObediencemGad mu{k be per.. iaerb was carried and buried in the Field óf Mae_ formed,bythe hope ofwhat hepromifeth,though pe!ahbought by lbraham ofEGen, the Son of it bemanyhundred yearsafter, and not only tor Zoar, or ofthe Sons of Herb, Gen. z 3, 8, and prefent Pofeffon. 2. The four years began at 49. 32, But fofJoli bones were carried from E the Birth of lfásc, and riot at the going into E. to bought horn, Jof. 24. 3 t, 3z, aud buried in the Freld by yacob of the Sons of HIM°,; Sype. and in which place his brethren were buried is 8.Andhe gavehim the covenant of uncertain. circuiyicilion t and fo 4brahambegat 17. But when the time ofthe pro- 4 ,uífe king of Egypt; and he made him governour over Egypt, and all his houle. 8. N. This HiftocyStephen reciteth toconvince them of the greatnef of their fore-fathers 6n and theirs, in ftill hardening their Heartsagain$ God's Mercies. a a Now there came a dearth over all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great afliiflion; and our fathers found no fuftenance. 12. But when Jacob heard that there was corn in Egypt, he Pent out our fathers firft. 13. And at the fecond time Jofeph was made known to his brethren and Jofeph'skindredwasmade known unto Pharaoh. r4. Then feint Jofeph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threefcore and fifteen fouls. i 5.SoJacob went down into Egypt, and died, he and our fa- thers. 14. Gen. 46. 27. faith they were but feventy fome fay that Stephen includerhCome born in E- gypt, with yofeub, and his funs, and tons funs : Others fay that the Sptrsagiot, which Stephen followed hasha miftakeo word which the difference. r 6.Andwerecarried over into Sy- chem, and laid in the fepulchre that Abraham bought for a fumm of mo-