c. 7. m e Hillery The mile drew n'gh, which God had (worn toAbraham, the people grew andmultiplied in Egypt 18. Till a- nother king arofe, which knew not Jofeph. t 9. The fame dealt fubtilly with our kindred, and evil intreated our fathers fo that theycart outtheir young children,to the end they might not live. r 9. Note. Man's cruelty and fubtilty fighting in vain againft God's Providence and Mercy to his People, is the common cafe oftheWorld. 20. Inwhich timeMofes was born, and was exceeding fair, and nourifh- ed up in his father's houle three months: 2r. Andwhen hewas cart out, Pharaoh's daughter took him up, and nourifhed him"for her own fon. 20. See Excd. 2. 22. And Mofes was learned in all 'the wifdom of the Egyptians,and was mighty in words and deeds. 22. And being by Pharaoh's Daughter Educa- ted as her Son, he had the advantageofgetting all the Egyptian fort of Learning, in which he excelled, 2,3. And when he was full fourty years old; it came into his heart to vifrt hisbrethren the children of lira- el: 24. And feeing one of them fuffer wrong, he defended him, and aveng- edhim that was oppreffed, and fmote the Egyptian : 23. lvote, ThoughMoles Age and Learning be not mentioned in the Old Teftament, it might be othetwife known. 2. And whether he was warrant<d to flay the Egyptian by anyfpecialRe- velation is doubtful. 25. For he fuppofed his brethren would have underftood, how that God by hishand would deliver them; but theyunderftood not. 25. What notice he had rhen ofthis purpofe of God, we read not: But faith Door Ham- ynond, l ` This lawfully he might do, in the de- " fencec.f an inrocera perfon's life, againft an ` unjet affault or violence, whichcould not be avertcdbut byths.meaio.] ' 26. And the next day he fhewed himfeif imrothem as they ftrove, and would bave let them at one again, As ofIfrael. Ch. 7. faying, Sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye wrong one to another? 26. Note. Evenwhile they areoppreffed by the commonTyranny of the King, they forbear not quarrelling and wronging one another. 27. But he that did his neighbour wrong, thruft him away,faying,Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? 28. Wilt thou kill me, as thou didft the Egyptian yefterday ? 27, 28. Note, t. It's the injuring partythat is ufually readieft to rifeup againft Peacemakers : 2. He that will reconcile Peace-breakers, and re- prove the injurious, mutt expel to be acetified as a Peace-breaker, and injuriousand arrogant himfel£ 3. Selfavengerslove not rulers. 29. Then fledMofes at this faying, and was aftranger in the land of Ma- dian, where he begat two Eons. 29. He knewthen that the killing thisEgypti- anwould be known to Pharaoh, and therefore fled. 3ò. And when fourty years were expired, there appeared to him inthe wildernefs of mount Sina, an an- gel of the Lord in aflame of fire in a buffs. 3o. The Came appearance is Paid to be God and an Angel in fire: God fpeaking by anAngel in fire. 3r. When Mofes faw it, hewon - dred at the fight : and as hedrew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him, 32. Saying I am the Godof thy fathers, the God ofAbra- ham, and the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob. ThenMofes trembled, and durit not behold. 31.If Co fmall toappearing ofGod will make man tremble, why arewe notconftantly awedby the beliefofhis Glory. 33 Then faid the Lord to him; Put off thy (hoes from thy feet: for the place where thou ftandeft is holy ground. 3 3. Note. t, The HolinefsofPlaces is theirfe= parate relation to force holy work of God, or Come appearance ofhim. God will haveoutward bodily exprefíionsof inward Reverence to him, and to that whichis fpecially related to him. '34 I have feen, I have feen the afflidtionofmy people which is inE- gypt, and Ihave heard their groan- ing