tit 7. the HifEory The At ls. of Ifrael. Ch. 7 returned to that Egyptian Bonda e, from which ing, and am come down to deliver by fo many Miracles they were delivered ;yea them. And now come, I will fend rebelled againft God and turned Idolaters, and thee into Egypt. made .Aaron make them feigned Gods to go be- 34. Note, God is not ignorant or regardlefs of fore then,. his peoples fufferings: 2. But his uCual futon of 41. And they made a calfin thole deliverance, is when their Sufferings are at the days, and offered facrifice unto the greateft. idol, and rejoyced in the works of 31. This Moles, whom they re- fufed, faying, Who made thee a ru their own hands. Ier and a judge ? the fame did God 43. So fottifhwere they as to honour that as 1 g God which they had madethemfelvcs. fend tobe a rulerand a deliverer by the hands of the angel which appear- ed to him in the bulb. 3s. God fent by his Angel the fame man to Rule andDeliver them, whom they refuted to be their Ruler andDeliverer; evenas you now have done by Jefus Ciuift whom God huh fent. 36. He brought them out, after that he had (hewed wonders and fgns in the land ofEgypt, and in the Red fea, and in the wildernefs fourty years. 36. God wrought many Miracles by him for their deliverance, who had reje&ed him, (As he bath done by Jefus for your deliverance.) 37. Thisis that Mofes which Paid unto the childrenof lfrael, Aprophet (hall the Lord your God raife up un- to you of your brethren, like unto me ; him (hall ye hear. 37. This Mofes ofwhoìn you boa$, thus pro- phefied of Chrift, a Prophet, &c, 38. This is he that was in the church in the wildernefs, with the 4a. Then God turned, and gave them up to worfhip the hoft of hea- ven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye houfc of Iftael, have ye offered to me (lain beafts, and facrifices, by the (pace of fourty years in the wildernefs ? 43. Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the ftar of your God Remphan, figures which ye made to worfhip them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. 42. That the Text .Amos s. meaneth by Mo- loch and Ren:pham, a Deifyed Egyptian King, and Saturn, See Dr. Haramond's Arno% and o- ther conje&urts in B&La, &c. whether this lait Idolatrywas included in the Golden Calf, or the Text onlymeant they fell to it after 7,164's days, is uncertain : Though theHebrew faybeyondDa- mafcus, and Luke's Greek Beyond Babylon, the fente is the fame. And Luke writing in the Greek, it's like ufed flot the fameWord as Stephen in Chald.e. 44. Our fathers had the taberna- angel which fpake to him in the de ofwitnefs in the wildernefs as he mount Sina, and with our fathers : had appointed, (peakinguntoMofes, who received the lively oracles to that he (hould make it according to give unto us. 39. To whom our fa- the fafhon that he had fees. thers would not obey, but thruft him 44 Our Anceftors had the Tabernacle ofthe from them, and in their hearts turned Teftimony, wherewas the Ark ofGod Char had the Tables of the Law, and where God stied by back again intoEgypt, 40. Saying logos to lignifiehis pretence, and givehis Oracfeles r unto Aaron, Make us gods to gobe- This Moi s was en make according to the pattern fore us : for as for this Mofes, which which G.id hewed him: 5. brought us out of the land of Egypt, came aft?rf brought inwith Jefus lint we wot not what is become ofhím' to t he po(feffionof the Gentiles,whom 38. This is he whole name you honour, who was in tl'e Congregation in the Wildernefs, who God draye out before the face ofour received the Oracles ofGod byyoke, whichhe fathers, unto the days of David. gave youthen as the wayoflife (in Cúbordleation 45. ThisTabernacle our Fathers after brorght to Faith in his promifes s) whom yet your An. into Canaan with j,iitaa, and it continued e :il pa. ceftors would not obey, but rebelled againft him, yod's titre, and refuted hits, and unthankfully would have 46, Who