Ch. 7. Mofes's avitnefs TheAIs. ofChrift. Ch. y; 44. win found favourbefpre God, Reproof, which convincethand humbleth them whomGod converteth,enragethproud, obdurate and defired to find a tabernacle for frnners, and turneth them to perfecute the Re- the God of Jacob. 47. But Solomon provers: which prefageth their deftru&ion. built him an houle. 5 5. But he being full of the holy 46. Whö beingbeloved ofGod, defiredtohave Ghoft, lookedupktpdfaftly into hea-' built him a Temple.' But God chafe Salomon to ven, and law the gloryofGod, and build it. 48. Howbeit the molt High dwell- J efus ftancling on the right hand of hands; es? God, 56. And laid, behold, I fee the eth not in temples made wit as faith the prophets, 49. Heaven is heavens opened, and the Son ofman my throne, and earth is my footftool : ítanding on the right hand ofGod. what houfe will ye build me? faith ss, 56. God gave him fo extraordinary amea- 5 Cure of the Spirit, a; when he looked ftedfaftly theLord : or what is the place of my toward Heaven hehadan appearacne ofthe Glo'- rcft p 5o. Rath not my hand made Ty of God andChrift ftaedingat his right hand, all theft things ? which in this Rapture he declared to themall. g Note, Chrift saw it meet by fach a glorious 48, 49, S.. Temples are for God's Worship, Miraculous fight to encourage and honourhis firft andnot f.:r GAd'sconfinement or neceflàry abode t dying Martyr. Owho would fear fuffering for Heaven is the placeof his glory, and Earth of his C riff! Martyrs May expo& the Spirit's greateá lowerbleflings. and all theworldofhis pretence: help, and afterward the molt glorious Crown. Hemade ali things, and needeth not your Tem. 57. Then theycried out with a loud ple, but may forfake it for your Sin. 5 t. Ye ftiff necked, and unsïr- voice, and ftopped their ears, and cumcifed inheart and ears, ye do al- ran uponhimwith oneaccotd,58.And ways refft the holy Ghoft: as your cart him out of the city, and ftoned fathers did, fo do ye. him : and the witnef es laid down St. Yeare an unruly oblìinate People, whore their clothes at a young man's feet, hearts ate unreformed and uncircumcifed, and whole name was Saul. your Ears (lopeagainá the Truth, while you gio- 5y, 58. Note, Handsand Miraclesdo but in ay inyour Circumci ion : you have in all ages re: create their rage : Theywill run when Malignity felled theSpirit and Wordof God,andwhile you and the Devil m itigates : Sinners are never fo difown your forefathers alions, you are like mad as again(}Chrift and Mercy and their own them and do the very fame. Salvation, They that were the Accufers for B1af- 52. Which of the prophets have phemy, were by the Law to raftthe tali Boneas not your fathers perkcuted ? and the Executioners. they have (lain them which (hewed 59 And they ftoned Stephen, cal- before ofthe comingofthejuft one,of ling uponGod, and faying;Lord Jefus, whomye have been now the betray- receiv rem (éahat gave up himfelfeo Chrift in ers and murderers: 53. 'Who have life and death, might comfortably expeet to be geceived the lawby the difpofiti0nof received. 2. The Spirit liveth after the body's ass els, and have notkept rt. death: And Chrift receiveth it to-himfelf. This _, s 3 You boaft of the Law and the Pro- is part of Chriá's office now in (leaven. See trey paters, and the expelled Melliah: But which of Fronted Sarmonon this Text. theProphets did not yourFathers per(ecute ?And 6o. And he kneeled down, and thole that Pro hefted of the Mefiah, they mur- criedwith a loud voice,Lord, lay not - clered: And fo haveyou done'now bythelotefliah this fin to their charge. And when he himfelf, and out-done all your Anceftors in w,ckednefs5 and the Law whichyoubaulI ofde had Easel this, he fell afleep. Jinxed, by Angels, you have neither underftood 6o. He died Praying, and that for hisPerfecu. norkept. tors, as Chrift did : And its like theConverfion 54 When they heardthefethings, ofSaul was an anfwer to this Prayer. N.2,44. How far may we pray in faith forwicked men, they were cut to the heart, and they or others, and expel the thing prayed for graalhed on himwith 'their teeth. Antir. For that which is abfolutely promifed, we 54 At there words their very hearts were en- may pray accordingly in aáùranee:. For that ;se egainá him, &c> which fuupofeth a qualifying condition in the re= 6eiverp