Ch. 8. Stephen !fined. The Mts. Simon the Sorcerer. Ch. 8, ceiver, wemuff believe that they (tall have it if 8. And there was great joy in that they are ila qualified : For that which bath no city. promue to it, but is meerly at Gods unrevealed Will, wemuff pray with fubmitlion to that Will, and accordingly take the event for uncertain. CHAP. VIII. r. A Nd Saul was confenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great perfecution againft the church which was at Jerufalem ; and they were all fcattered abroad throughout the regions ofJudea and Samaria, except the apoftles, 1. Node. Saut's Perfecution muff-be recorded beforehis Converfion. 2.The purees Church was nor free from the malice ofwicked men. 3. God stied Malignant Perfectaions for the fpreading a- broad his word. 2. And devout mencarriedStephen to his burial, and made great lamen- tation over him. 2. They made a Funeral for Stephen with fo- lemn mourning. 3. As for Saul, hemade havock of the church, entring into every houfe, 6. The Samaritans received the Gofpel with great joy, convinced byMiracles, and pleatedby many Cures. more. TheGofpel whereever it cometh is auk ofgreat joy. 9. But there was a certain man called Simon, which before time in the fame city ufed forcery, and be- witched the people of Samaria, giv- ing out that himfelf was fome great one. i o.Towhom they all gave heed, from the leaf} to the greateft, laying, This man is thegreat power of God. r r. And to him they had regard, be- caufe that of long time he had be- witched themwith forceries. 9. One Simon had long been reputed among them fome great man, even the great power of God, as he boafted ofhimfifs becaufe by Sot. cery he had long bewitched, and donc fóme ftrange things among them: 'And they all adori- red'and regarded him. Note. Deceivers have ufually many Followers. I a. But when they believed Phi and haling men and wolhen, cow- Iip, preaching the things concerning mitred them to prifon. the kingdom ofGod, and the name of 3. But haling people to Prifon out oftheir hou- Jefus Chrift, they werebaptized both fes, Saul wafted the gatheredChurch. 4. Therefore they that were fcat- terred abroad, went every where preaching the word. 3. Note. It was a tolerable hurt to their bodies, which broughtgood to others Souls, and fo en- larged the Church by fcattering ir, as feed is feat- reredthat is Town, R. All Chriftians may andnmt publith the Gofpel where they come, if there be need, though onlycalled Minifters-muff make an office and calling ofit, as feparated to it. 5. Then Philip went down to the cityofSamaria, and preached Chrift unto them. 5. Philip the Deacon Preach'd at the City of Samaria, after byHerod called Schafee . 6. And the people with one accord gave heed unto thole things which Philip fpake, hearing and Peeing the miracles which he did. 7.For unclean fpirits, cryingwith loudvoice, came out of many that werepofleffedwith them: and many taken with pallies, and that were lame, were healed, men and women. r2. Nate. This hidden Baptizing yet implietit time for inftru&ion, and profefTionofall effential toChriftianity. 13. Then Simon himfelf believed alto : and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondred, beholding the miracles and figns which were done. r 3. Simon taw the reality ofthitif's Miracles, being confcious of the fallacy ofhis own, and he believed that Jefus was the Chrift, and was bap- tized into his Name, and frayed withPhilip ad- miring his works. Note, 1. Sithen had a Superficial opinionative belief, that was not clear and found, nor cffcdf- ual to renew his Soul. 2. The Minifì'ersofChrift baptized not as Heart fearch,rs, as knowing Mena fincerity, but as raking their Profeflion for their Title to Baptifm. r 4. Nowwhen the apoftles which were at Jerufalem, heard that Sae Maria had received the word of God, they fent unto them Peter and John. 14. Nete,