h: 9) Paul's The A that it was rather by Fra menties, andEdefiut and that it was .Abafa that was by Hiftorians mil- called India : But if there firft brought in Church Government by al3ifhop,the Eunuchmight bring Lay Chriftianity before. 40. But Philip was found at Azo- tus : and paffing through, he prea- ched in all the cities, till he came to Cefarea. etsi Comm Ilion. Ch.9. hard for thee to kick againft the pricks. 5. Note, Did wicked PerfecutorsknowChrift, it would reftrain them from Perfecutoon, (But the fubtil Devil bath taught Hypocrite Chriftians to profecute him as by his own Authority and Commi(fion, and in his own name, and for his Church, that is, themfelves ) 2. Chrift's Ser- vants fhould no more doubt of their feafonable vindication when perfecutedfor their duty, than ifChriftwereperfonally pet(ectited in their Bead. 3. O how terrible will it at laft prove to Perle- cutors,that they havekick'd with their bare Feet againft the Pei, ks orThorns ofGod's difpleafure? Who path hardened himfelfagainfthim andhair profpered ? Orwho hash conquered theAlmighty. 6. And he trembling andaftonith- ed, laid, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ? And the Lord faid unto him, Arife,and go into the city, and it shall be told theewhat thou mutt do. 6. Note. God can make the fierceft Perfects- tortremble : And then, O howtheyare changed, ready to do any thing that God will bid them, which beforetheyPerfecuted ! And if the change be true, this will hold and come topraftice. 2.O then what need have proud Perfecutors to be cart down, and how great a mercy to them it may prove! 7. And the menwhich journeyed with him, ftood fpeechlefs, hearing a voice, but feeing no man. 7. Note, In ..9d. 22..9. it is Paid, (They that were with him, law the Light and were afraid, but heardnot the voice ofhim that fpake.1 The lenfe ofboth is, they law' theLight and heard the found, which it's like Was a Thunder or like it but heardnot the voice or words ofChrift,which in that found were uttered to him,nor law any fi. militude ofChrift. Though we have only Paul's witnefs ofthis, his afterlife oflabour, fhffering and miracles proverb it to be true. 8. And Saul arofe from the earth ; and when his eyes were opened, he law no man : but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Da- mafcus. 8, This ftroke ofblindne(s, was to convince hint ofthe blindnefs of his Perfecuting fury. q. And he was three days without fight, and neither did eat nor drink. 9. Note. This was Tomeconformity to Chrift's being three Days and Nights in the darkfont Grave. I o. And there was a certaindífci. pie at Damafcus, named Ananias,and to CHAP. IX. t. lj Nd Saul yet breathing out threatnings and flaughter a- gainft the diCciplesof the Lord, went unto thehigh prieft, z. And defired of him letters to Damafcus to the fy- nagogues,that ifhe found any of this way,whether they were menor wo- men, he might bring them bound un- to Jerufalem. r. Ignorant zeal made Saul fet himfelf to de_ [troy the Chiiftians, and he fought to the High Prieft for Power,ánd travelled toward Damafu, to do it, that he might find them out and bring them in Bonds. 3. And as he journeyed, he carne near Damafcus: and fuddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven. 3. God the father of Lighr, ufeth to fhew himfelfto man by Light, external and internal, and fo do his Angels, when the Devil is the Prince of Darknefs. 4. And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice Payingunto him, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me? 4. The Power of God went forth with that Light, and carthim tothe ground, &r. Note t. Love and Mercy in Chrift expoftulate with a blinded furious Sinner, in order to his Converfr- on. 2. But till Power hadaft him down, the Expoftulationcame not : God can loon lay proud Perfecutors on the Earth, and tame them, and make them fear and hear. 3. Whatever is done egainft Chriftians for any thing that Chrift com- mandeth them, he taketh as done againft him. (elf. If we are bound by the Lawof Chrift to Preach, to Pray, to edifie each other, to live a Holy Life, and webe reviled, £corned, called all manner ofevil names, imprifoned, fined, banilh. ed, or murdered, for this Chrift will judge the doers of it as doing is againft him. 5, And he Paid, Who art thou, Lord ? And the Lord laid, I am Je- fus whom thou perfecuteft : Ia it