Ch. g: Ananias fent to Satsl. The A to him raid theLord in a vifion, A- nanias. And he Paid, Behold, Iam here, Lord. 1 t. And the Lord fold unto him,Arife,a id go into the ftreet which is called Straight,and enquire in the houfe of Judas, for one called Saul ofTarfus : for behold,he pray- eth, is. And bath feen in a vifion a man named Ananias, coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his fight. no. .Ananias was a Chriftian appointed by God to this work on Saal. 2. Praying was (next to refolved Obedience and Submillion) the. tirft fruits ofSams Converfron. I 3. ThenAnanias anfwered,Lordt I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hathdone to thy faints at Jerufalem : 14. Andhere he hath authority from thechiefpriefts, tò bind allthat call on thy name. 13. Note. ,Ananias objedeth what he had heardof Saul, as rendring hisConverfron im- probable. I .But the Lord faid unto him,Go thy way : for he is a chofenveffel un- to me, tobear my name before the Gentiles, andkings, and the children of Ifrael. 16. For I will thew him how great things he mutt fuffer for my name's fake. a s. Obey me who know man, and my own decrees,andobject not former things againftme, I have chofenhint' be. r .And Ananiaswent his way,Ind entred into the houfe ; and putting his hands onhim, faid,Brother Saul, the Lord, (even Jefus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou cameft) bath fent me, that thou mighteft re- ceive thy fight, and be filled with the holy Ghoft. 17. Godbath made known to me, what he did tothee by the way, and bath fent me that thoumighteft be reftored to thy fight, and fil- led with theHoly Ghoft for gifts neceffary to the Miniftry. 18. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been fcales : and he received fight forthwith, and arofe, and was baptized. Os: Saul's fight ref%ored; ,Ch_ g: 18. He was Miraculoufly ftruck blind, and Mi- riculoully cured, and thenBaptized. 19. And when he had received meat, he was ftrenthened. Then was Saul certain days with the difciples which were at Damafcus: zo. And ftraightway he preached Chrift in the fynagogues, that he is the Son of God. 19, 20, Being flrengthnedwithfood,he con= verfed certain days with the Chriftians áe D4- mafeus whdm he purpofed to have perfecuted, and forths ithPreached Chrift in the Synagogue to theyen's, that he is the Son. of God, and confequently all his Gofpel true. (And then go- ing into ,Arabia returned to Damafeus again be, fore he went to jeru/alem ) 2, r.But all that heard him were a= mazed, and faid, Is not this he that deftroyed them which calledon this name in Jerufalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chiefpriefts ? 211 The fudden change from being a deftroy: ing Perfecutor to be a Preacher,made the People, wonder. zz.But Saul increafed the more in ftrength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damafcus, proving that this is very Chrift. 22, Proving Jefus tobe the true Chrift, infer' reth all the refit -tobe believed. z3.Andafter that many dayswere fulfiiled,the Jews took counfel to kill him: 23. Ifone ofthe Leaders of thePerfecutors or. Malignant wicked Men Gould be Converted and perfwade hisCompanions to turn, they would but Peek to kill him alfo, till God Convertthem. 2.4. But their laying await was known of Saul : and they watched the gates day and night to kill him, 25. Then the difciples took him by night, and let him down by thewall in a basket. 24. Note, It is lawful toavoid the" violence of bloody Perfecutors bySecret flight. z6. And when Saul was come to Jerufalem, he arrayed to joyn himfelf to the difciples : but theywere all a- fraid of him,andbelieved not that he was a difciple. ß2 Ngte, 1. Converfron will flew it fedf by joyrung