Ch: 9: Paul perfeecuted. The A& Ewa; cured. Ch. 9: 33. Note. The length andnatureof theDi1 ea a made the Miracle themore notable and con. vncing. 3 5. And all that dwelt at Lydda, and Saron, faw him; and turned to the Ldrd. 35. The undeniable Miraclecaufed a general Convi&iòn and Convectionofthem. 36. Now there was at Joppa a cer- tain difciple named Tabitlia, which by interpretation is called Dorcas : this woman was frill of good works and alms-deeds which the did.37.And it came to pafs iii thole days; that the was lick and dyed : whö:n when they had wafhed,they laid her in an upper chamber. 38.And forafniuch as Lyd- da was nigh to Joppa, and the difci- ples had heard that Peter was there, they fent unto him two men,defiring him that he would riot delay to come to them. , 36. A,labórious Charitablewamanbeing dead, theChriftians had Faith to believe that byPeter's Miniftry fie might be railed to life. 39Then Peter arofe,andwent with them. When he was come, they brought him int.() the upper chamber : and all the widows frond him Weeping, and (hewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made while' the was with them. 39. Note. It's like they were poor Widows, that thawed the fruit ofher Labour and Charity to them and others. 4o. But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down and prayed, and turninghim to the body,faid,Tabitha, arife. And the opened hereyes c and when the law Peter,fhe fat up.4 r .And hegave her his hand,and lift her up ; and when he had called the faintsand widows, prefented her alive. 40. Note. This was nota Miracle tobe done without fervent Prayer: And it is like Peter had affuranceofrailingher as an anfwer to his Pray- er, before he laid, Arife. 42. And it was known throughout _ all Joppa ; and many believed in the Lord. 42. Thus Miracles made Chrifians, and fully fealedthe Teftimony ofthe Apoftles. joyningwith the Converted. 4 KnownPerfecu- tors and wicked men are nod too baldly to be trufted; when theyprofefs Converton. 27. But Barnabas took him; and brought him to the apoftles, and de- clared unto them, how he had feen the Lord in the way, and that he had fpoken to him,and how he had prea- chedboldly at Damafcus in the naine . ofJefus. 28. And he was with them coining in,and going out atJerúfalern. 27, a8. This evidence was fatisfa&ory, and they received him to their conftant Society of the Church. 29. And he fpake boldly in the nameof the Lord Jefus, and difputed againft the Grecians: but they went about to flay him. 30. Truth when the brethren knew,they brought him down to Cefarea, and Pent him forth to Tarfus. 29, 3o. HePreached Chrift boldly and confu- ted the unbelieving yaws that ufed the dreek_ Tongue. But theyfought to kill him, &c: 31. Then had the churches rat throughout all Judea,and Galilee,and Samaria, andwereedified, and walk- ing in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort ofthe holy Ghoft, were multiplied. 31. Saul being Converted Who was -a chief Perfecutor, and he being removed whom they afterward moft maligned. theChriftian Churches werequiet a while from Perfecution, and were edified in Knowledge, and Holinefs ofHeart and Life, living in Obedience to God, and in the Comfort of the inward Grace,and outward Gifts and Miracles ofthe Holy Ghoft, by which they were multiplied. 32. And it came to pats, as Peter patted throughout all quarters, he came down alto to the faintswhich dwelt at Lydda. 32, Note. He was no Chriftian who was not a Saint, byDedication toGod and by profelfion. 33 And there he found a certain man namedEneas,which had kept his bed eight years, and was fick of the palfie. 34. And Peter faid unto him, Eneas, Jefus Chrift maketh thee whole : arife,and make thy bed, And he arofe immediately,