Ch. t o. Cornelius bis vifon. The 43 And it came topals, that he tarried many days in Joppa with one Simon á tanner. C H A P. X. I. =Herewas a certain man in Ce- farea, called Cornelius, a cen- turion of the band called the Italian band, a. In ce,rarea the chief Cityofthe Country a- bout Seventy Miles from yerufalem, where was aRoman Garifon, was one Cornelias Captain of in hundred in the Italian Regiment, or Legion. z. A devout man, and one that feared God,with all his houfe,which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. a. A Profelyte that was a Godly man and fear- ing God, with all his houlbold, liberal in giving Alms, and ccnfiant in Prayer. 2. N. We mutt not think this man under mere common Grace, but in a hate of Paving Grace, fuch as the faithful Iews had before Chrift's in- carnation; fuch being prepared above othersto believe in Chrift perfònally, when he was come ànd.Preached to them. This is notified, 1. In that hewasa Profelyte ofJufice, though not Circum- cifed. 2. He is called a Godly man (or devout.) 3. Re kept no other in his houle. 4. Hewas full ofworks of Charity. 5. And confiant in Prayer, with due falling, 6; God teftified hisacceptance ò£him. 3. He faw in a vifion evidently, about the ninth hourof the day, an angel ofGod coming in to him, and laying unto him, Cornelius. 3. Beingfarting and at Prayer at three Clock Afternoon, an Angel appeared to him. 4. And when he looked on him, lie was afraid, andPaid, What is it, Lord? And he faid unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are comeup for a memorial before God. 4. The Sight ofthe Angel (truck himwith 'dread, d?r. He laid, Thy Prayers and Alms com- ing from Faithand a fìncere heart, are fo accep- table toGod, that he bathPent me to give thee this notice ofit, and to reward thee with a far- ther Blefling. 5. Andnowfendmen to.Joppa,and call for one Simon whole furname is Peter: 6. He lodgethwith one Simon a tanner, whole houfe is by the fea 'fide: he fhail tell thee what thou elghteit t odo, Aas: He findsforPeter: Ch. t o. 5. Note, God will honour his appointed qua- lified inftruments in the givingofhis Mercies. 7. And when the Angel which fpake unto Cornelius waddeparted, he called two of his houthould-fer- vants, and a devout fouldier of them that waited on him continually : 8. And when he had declared all theft things unto them, he fens them to Joppa. 7, 8. Note, 6what a Blefling to a Family is a good Mailer, that will keep fuch abouthim as he can uunit, and all() delerve his fpeciaÍ Love! And what happy Societyare fuch Families! This Man had evenGodly Soldiers, who ufe to be the wort} ofMen, 9. On themorrow as they went on their journey, anddrewnigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the houfe- top to pray, about the fixth hour, 9. Note, God cloth no great things ufually, bat byMenof Prayer, at leaf} accepteth no other. I o. And he became very hungry,' and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell intoa trance, 11. And law heaven opened, and a certain veffel defcending untohim, as it had been a great fheet knit at the four cornersand let down to theearth': I z.Wherein were all manner offour- footed beafts of the earth, and wild beafts, andcreeping.things,and fowls ofthe air. i 3.And there came a voice to him, Rife, Peter; kill, and eat. Ia. Thecleanand the unclean, noted theprat andGentiles, and allo the abrogationofthe Cere- monial Laws ofMeats. I 4. But Peter faid, Not fo, Lord ; for Ihave never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. 15. And the voicefpake unto him again the fecond time, What God bath cleanfed, that callnot thou common. 16. This was done thrice: and the veffel was re-, ceived up again into heaven. 14. What Meats or what Perlons God bath cleanfed, do not thou call polluted and unclean, to be rejected. 17. Nowwhile Peter doubted in himfelf what this vifionwhich he had feen, Mouldmean ; behold, the men T which