Ch to. Peter's Beech The A c s> to Cornelius: Ch. i o: which were fent from Cornelius, had went in, and found many that were made enquiry for Simon's boule, and come together. fiocd beforethe gate, 18. And called, 27. Nose. As Evil as rhofe times were, fuch andasked whether Simon which was Conventicler were then allowed. furnamed Peter, were lodged there. 28. And -he laid unto them, Ye know how that it is anunlawful thing 17. The fame God dire(eth both the Vi len, and the Meftagcs ofCornelius to concur. for a man that is a Jew, to keep 29. While Peterthoughton the vi- company, or come unto one of mo- tion, the fpirit faid untohim, Behold, thernation : bt'.`God bath (hewed me three men feek thee. zo. Arife there- that I fhould not call any man corn- fore, and get thee down, andgo with mon or unclean. 29. Therefore came them, doubting nothing : for I have I unto you without gain-Paying, affoon fent them. as I was Pent for: I ask therefore for ae. Note. low this (peaking ofthe Spirit was what intent ye have fent for me. done and known, they only thathave it can ful- 28. God huh fatished me to come to you, ly conceive, though Gentiles. ai. Then Peterwent down to the 30. And Cornelius Paid, Fourdays men which were fent unto him from ago I was farting until this hour, and Cornelius ; and faid, Behold, I am at the ninth hour I prayed in my he whom ye leek : what is the caufe houle, and behold, a man ftood be- wherefore ye are come? 22. And they fore me in bright clothing, 31. And faid, Cornelius the centurion, a juft laid, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, titan, and one that feareth God, and and thine alms are had in remem- of good report among all the nation brance in the fight of God. 32. Send of the Jews, was warned from God therefore to Joppa, and call hither by an holy angel, to fend for thee into Simon whole furname is Peter; he is his houle, and to hear words ofthee. lodged in the houleof one Simon a a z. God commanded Cornelius to fendfir thee tanner, by the fea-fide ; whowhen tohear thee. he cometh, (hall fpeak unto thee. 33. 23. Then called he them in, and Immediately therefore I fent to thee; lodged them. Andon themorrow Pe- and thou haft well done that thou art terwent away with them,and certain come. Now therefore are we all here brethren from Joppa accompanied prefent before God to hear all things him. 24. And the morrow after they that are commanded theeb of God. entred into Cefarea: and Cornelius ;s t was thus commanded by an Angel of waited for them and had calied'toge- Gcd to fend forthee; and now I andmy Friends are all here ready as in God's preíi nce, obedient - ther his kinfnen and near friends. Y 23. 24. Noce, Ti,is good man had a care that ly to hear whatever Metiàge or Command God 'Hs Kindred and Friends might all be laved as fendeth by thee to us; (Come Copies have tbe- well as he, fore thee] not [God.] 25. And as Peter was coming in, 34 ThenPeteropened hismouth, Cornelius met him, and fell down at and laid, Of a Truth I perceive that -his feet, and worfhipped him. z6. But God is no refpedter of perlons : 3 5. Peter rook him up, laying, Stand up ; But in every nation, he that feareth I my fell alfoam a man. him, and worketh righteoufnefs, is 25. Note. It was not a Divine Worship that accepted -with him. Etrndiur gave him; but yet Peter would not ac- 34..i do by this Inflame' 'more fully than be cept of ary that was 'fa extraordinary, as was -fore perceive, that God ferpetieth not. Men for unmeet for an humble man to own. their country fake, or any common worldly Fri. 27, And as i'e talked with 1];itl he t ` leger,. but for their real goodncfs; and wháte a acs Natihn a man be-of ifbe.fofmçerely believe S