Ch, io. The HolyGhoftgiven. The Aas. Peter accufecl. Ch. i o: inGod and his Mercy, as to fear and (erve him, ofGrace would give remiflion offins to all that or to workRighteoutii''efs, or trulyobey his Laws, truly believe in him. he fhall be mercifully accepted by him, who is 44. While Peter yet fpake there the rewarder ofhim that diligently fedkhim. words, theholyGhoft fellon all them 36. The wordwhichGod fent un- which heard the word. to the children of Ifrael, preaching 44. Even while Peter was thus (peaking, the peace by Jefus Chrift (he is Lord of great miraculous gift of theHoly Gho(t, came all), 37. That word (.1" fay) youknow, down on all that heard, which broke out in the which was publi(hed throughout all effects beforethem all. 45 And they of the circumcifion which believed, were aftonifhed, as many as came with Peter, becaufe that on the Gentiles alto was poured out thegift of the holy Ghoft. 46.For they heardthem fpeakwith tongues, and magnifie God. Then anfwered Peter, 4s This was aftonifhing News to the 7etnlh Chriftians, to hear Cent Iles fpeak Tongues not learned, and to be wrapt up in the pralle ofGod. 47. Can any man forbid water, that thefe fhould not be baptized, which have received the holy Ghoft, Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptifm which John preached ; 3&. HowGod anointed Jefusof Na- zareth with the holyGhoft, and with power ; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppreffed of thedevil : forGod was with him. 36. &e. The word which God Cent to the Children of Ifraél was not like Mofeis Law con- fined to them, but it was the Proclaiming ofRe. conciliaoon to all yaws and Gentiles that will be- lieve in him, who is by Redemption Lord ofall (and notonly of the laws.) This word you cannot but have heardbathbeen published throughout all 7adea, &c. How God endued Jefuswith the Holy Ghoft, and with Power, who went about as well as we ? doing good and healing, Or,, 47. Can anyreaCon be given, why thcCe though 39. And we are witneffes of all Gentile:, Rtouidnot lie Baptized, when God bath thus fignally owned them by hismiraculous gift things which he did both in the land of the Spirit, as he bath done us. of the Jews, and in Jerufalem ; 48.And he commanded themto be whom they flew and hanged on a tree : baptized in the name oftheLord.Then 40. HimGod raifed up the third day, prayed they him to tarrycertain days. and (hewed him openly, 41. Not to 48. Hecaufed them to be entred by BaptiCm all the people, but unto witneffes into the Chriftian Covenant and Church. And chofen before of God, even to us, who theyprayed him co Ray a while with them, to confirm and comfort them. did eat and drink with him after he rote from the dead. l C H A P. XI. A 39. We are Wirneffes ofhis Dofrineand Mi- I. Nd the Apoftles and brethren racles, and of his Aefurre &ion, and did eatand ha that were in Judea, heard that drink with him, being chofen to thisOffice. the Gentiles had alto received the 42. And he commanded us to word of God. z. And when Peter preach unto the people, and to teftifie was coming up to Jerufalem, they that it is he which was ordained of that wereofthe circumcifion contend.; God to be the judge of quick and ed with him, , 3 Saying, Thou went- 42. Judge of all that are aliveat his coming, ell in t0 men uriCirCümCifed, and and that were dead before and are then railed. didft eat with them. 43. To him give all the prophets r, 2. Nate, t. Even in the pure sApoitolical g P p llrft Church there were wrangling contending witnefs, that throughhisname, who- Chriftians. 2. Even that which fhouldhave been foever believeth in him, (hall receive their rejoycing was their matter ofcenforious remiffion offins, contention. 3. Thefe weak ones charged fin on the ApoLleas ifthey had been wirer and holier 43. Allthe Prophets foretold, that throughthe than he. 4. It was the Ceparating and Pelf-honour- Merits ofthis the Melhiahi God by his Gavenagt lug vice which tattled this cenforions contention. ? 4: Bu!