Ch. t s'. Peter's The Aas:. Defence: Ch. 1 1 à 4. But Peter rehearfed the matter I the wordof the Lord, how that he ftom the beginning and expounded it faid, John indeed baptized with wa- by order untothem, faying, 5.Iwas ter ; but ye shall be baptized with in the city of Joppa, praying; and the holyGhoft.. vifion, A certain. is, i6. I remembred Chrif's promife of the in.a trance I faw a veffel defcend, as it had been a great sptr't,and raw that he owned theta by fulfilling i*. 17. Forafmuch then as God ave fheet, let down from heaven by four theta the like gift ashe did untous, corners ; and it came even to me, who- believed on' the Lord jefus- 6. 'Upon the which when I had fart- Shrift what was I that,I could with tied mine eyes, Iconfidered, and faw Rand God ? four- footed beafts of the earth, and t 7. Seeing God fo evidently owned them as wild beafts, and creepingthings, and he had doneus, I was neither able nor wilting có fowls of the air. q. And I heard a oppofeGod in his way ofmercy to the Gentiles, voice Paying untome, Arife, Peter; which mould rather be our joy. , flay, and eat. 8. But I faid, Not fo, 18. When they heard thefe thingsf Lord : for nothing common or un- they held their peace and glorified clean hath at any time entred into my God, faying, Then hath'God alfo to mouth. 9. Put the voice anfwered me the Gentilesgranted repentanceunto again from heaven, What God hath life t8. Note, r: God's miraculous gift of the Spi- cleanfedi that call notthou common. rit was an undeniableevidence of hs approbaci- I o. And this was done three times : on. 2 Cenforious feparating contention came. and all were drawn up again into fromhaßy ram judging of things unknown, and before they heard what could be aid. 3. When heaven. 'I I. Andbehold, immediate- contentiouscenförious Cbrißiaits come co hear and Iy thefe werethreemen alreadycome know what may be faid, they may yield and unto thehoufe where I was,fent from change their minds. Cefarea untome., r 2. And the Spirit tered aabroad uponthe perfecution that bade me go with them, nothing arofeabout Stephen travelled as far doubting. Moreover, thefe fix bre- thren accompanied me, and we en- asPhenice, andCyprus, and Antioch, tired into the man's houfe Y3. And preaching the word to none but unto he lhewed us how he had feen an an- the Jews only. 19 Note. The calling of theGentiles was not gel in his houfe, which flood, and yet well underßood by them. faid unto him, Send men to Joppa, 23. And force of them, were men and call for Simon, whole furname is ofCyprus, and Cyrene, which when Peter : iq.. Who than tell thee words, theywere come to Antioch, fpake un- whereby thou and all thy houfe fhall to the Grecians, preaching the Lord be Paved. Jefus. 4. Of all this we have fpoken on the former zo. Nate. Whether by theGrecians be meant Chapter. the 7ws that fpeak Greek, or Gentile Profelytes, Nate, n. God who bath ordained the Minißry is doubtful. ofMen, will ufè it for Mens Salvation, 2. How 2r. And the hand of the Lordwas greatly mouldthe Gofpel and mens Preaching it with them: and a great number be- bevalued, when it is God's means offàvingMen. lieved, and turned unto the Lord. a.. God sled then to Covenant and Cave whole 21. God btelfed their theConvey: how-holds together. And it teems Cornelius'shoufe was prepared for it. Sat ofa great number to Chrißiaáic i 5.. Andas I began to fpeak, the 22. Then tidings of thefe things holy Ghoft fell on them, as on us at came unto the ears of the church the beginning. 16, Then remembred whichpwas in Jerufalem : and they lent