Ch. iz : Á dearthforetold. The ,fent forth Barnabas, that he fhpuld go as far as Antioch. 22. ToConfirm them and carry onthe work. 2,3. Who when he carne, andhad teen the grace of God,was glad, and exhorted them all, that withpur- pole of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. zq.. For he was a good man, and full ofthe holyChoft, and of faith : and much people was ad- ded unto the Lord. 23. It rejoyced him. to fee what God's Grace had done. Note, Every Good man will be glad at the Converfion of Souls, and the increafe of the Church, (as Diabolifts are grieved at ir, and fight againft it.) 2. Young Converts neádCpunfel and Exhor- tation to beconfirmed and perfevere. 3. Confirmation confifteth in a habitual fixed Refolution, or full purpofe to cleave to the Lord. 25. Then departed Barnabas to Tarfus, for ro leek Saul. 26. And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it carne to pafs,that awhole year they affembled themfelves with' the church, and taught much people ; and the difci- ples were called Chriftians firft in Antioch. 25. Barnabas having taught Saal, and drawn him toAntioch for more publièk fervice, they two did, for a whole year. teach much people in the Church-Af1'eably (whiçh it feems was then but ore t) And theDitciples were then firft call- ed Christians, who before were called by Re- prochérs but Galilean: and Nazaritea: (and fine byflerefie,and by hereticating reproaches,are cal- led by amultitude of dividing and difgraceful names.) 27. And in thofe days came pro- phets from Jerufalem unto Antioch. 28. And there flood up one of them named Agabus, and fignified by the dfpirit, that there fhoeild be great ea h throughout all the world : which came to pafs in the days of Claudius Celar. 28. In divers Countries efpecially in yadees, Should' be a dearth. 29. Then the disciples, every titan according to his ability, determined coîend relief unto the brethrenwhich A& Hemel's Perfeeutian. Ch. 12. dwelt in Judea. 30. Which alto they did, and fent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul. 293 3o. TheFamine being moltin Tadea(the Country being dry and poor) and having fre- quentFamines, and many Convert', tothew the power of Love, having fold their Poffefiions heretofore for common ofe, the Chriftians ofo- ther Countries, Pent them relief, by Pau/ and Barnabas, to the Elders of the Church to be juftly diftributed, as there was need. Nate, Whether by Elders here bemeant the unordained-Seniorsof the People, or the Pres- byters ordained, as fuck, or, as Dr. Hammond thought,'Diocefane Bithops, who yethad never a Presbyter under them, and therefore were the fingle Paftors of fingle Congregations; is fuffici- ently èífiwhere confidered. C H A P. XII. i. LV Ow about that time Herod the king ftretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. z.And he killed James the brother of John with the fword. 3. And becaufe he faw it pleafed the Jews, hepro- ceeded further to take Peter allo (Then were the daysof unleavened bread) -. a. 1\7,4e, I. King's hear the Image of God's Dominion, and have their power from him, and not againft him, and above all melt are bound to ferve him to the utmost. Therefore such Perfg- cutors asHerodbeing thegreateft Traytors againft God, no doubt have anfwerable punifhment in Hell: a. lame: teat was one who fought to be Chief, was the Chiefor frlt of all the Apoftles in Martyrdom, and drank of ChrifesCup, and was Baptized with his Baptism. 3. To pleafe wicked Men, this King murdered Saints, and difpleafedGod. 4. The Holy days ofunleavened Bread, or - E'fler, are celebratedwith the Murder of Christ first, andof lames after. This is the Hypocrites holinefs. q, And when he had apprehended him,he put him imprison, anddelive- red him to four quaternions of foul- diers tòkeep him, intending after Ea- fter tobring him forth to the people. 4. He let fixteen Soldiers to keep him, that after the Paffover be might Sacrifice bim to the People. 5.Peter therefore was kept inpri- fon but prayer was ;made 'without T 3 afin;