( h. I2, F(ur dtl.zered. ' 7.e Ae?s."'' eutof Prifin. ¢'Ch: It ceáfing of the church unto God for pedlationofthe peopleof the Jews. him. It. Note. We feldom underftand w at God S The Church for fo great a Minifter in fo is doing for us in the beginningofour deliverari_ great danger, betook themfelves to their great ces, as we do at laft. remedy, even conftanr, importunate Prayer to 12. And when he had confidered God. the thing,he came to the houfeof Ma- 6. And when Herod would have ry the mother ofJohn,whofe furname brought him forth,the fame night Pe- was Mark,where many were gather ter was fleeping between two fouldi- red together, praying. ers,bound with two chains ; and the 12. When he confideredwhat God had done keepers before thedoor kept the pri- for him, hewent to the Houleofmorks Mother, and there in the Night was a godly Conventicle fon. 6. Juft when the Tyrant intended his Execu- ofmany Chriftians met to pray (no doubt in a . 1 Y fpecial manner for hisdeliverance.) God feet him tion, &c. to them as anfwer to their. Prayers. Note, Chains andKeepers are nothing to God. 13. And as Peter knocked at the 7. And behòldi the angel of the door of the gate, a damfel came to Lord came upon him, and a light íhí- hearken, named Rhoda 14 And ned in the prifon : and he Emote Pe- when. theknew Peter's'voice, the o- ter on the fide, and railed him up, erred not the gate for gladnefs;' but laying, Arife up quickly. And his an in, and told how Peter flood be- chains fell off from his hands, fore the gate. y, Nate. O how Powerful are God's invilible s Thispoor Maid that (hewed fo much love Agents in Comparifon of Mortal warms! 2. It to Peter by fie o : bath her name recorded in was a gentle h,rmlefs ftroke that the Angel gave the are Scripture. j y, him s and Each are God's awakenbg ftrolces. p 8. And the angel Paid unto him, i 5. Andthey Paid untoher, Thou Gird thy felf, and bind on thy fan- artmad. But the conf}antly affirmed dais : and fo he did. And he faithun- that it was even fo. Then faid they, to him, Caft thy garment about thee, It is his angel. and followme. 9. And he went out 15. Note. The word (Mad7 doth but exprets and followed him, and wilt not that that they thought her ggrofly miftaken, as Mad. folk ufe to be s only (peaking it in fuch couafe it was true which was done by the phrafe as Men u(e to (peak toServants. z. Whe- angel : but thought he faw a vifion. thee by his Angel they meant an Angel ofGod 8 Note. Implicite Obedience by following reprefentinghim, or only a humane Meiîenger God's call even when we know not whither, is Cent by him, is uncertain.. acceptable and fate. 16.But Petercontinued knocking : I o. When they were paff the firft and when they had opened the door, -and the fecond ward, they came unto and faw him, they were aftonithed. the iron gate that leadeth unto the i7, But hebeckeningunto themwith city, which opened to them of his the hand to hold their peace, decla- own accord: and theywent out,and red unto them how the Lord had patted on throughoneftreet, & forth- brought him out ofthe prifon. And with the angel departed from him. he laid, Go thew thefe things unto to. N,re, t. Nothingcan hold thofethatGod James, and brethren.. Andhe will deliver. 2. Angels are miniftring Spirits for departed,and went into another place: our good. 16, God having firft fett him to themthat I e . And when Peter was come to were praying for him in Anfwer to their Pray. himfelf, he laid, Now I know of a ere, he lieft tells them to God's Glory, how he furety that the. Lord bath lent his an- was delivered, and then fends the notice of it gel, andbath delivered me out of the to_3ainet (thrift's kiofman and to theBrethren for their encouragement. Our mercies are N not ow band ofHerod,, and from all the ex- givenus only for our felines.