Ch. i ï. I-Herod's death. The A&,: Sero-i.-rr P.tu'ur: C,h, r 3, r 8.Nowafrbon as itwas day,there was no fmall ftir among the fouldi- ers, what was become of Peter. 19. And whenHerodhad fought for him, and found himnot, heexamined the keepers, and commanded that they fhould be put to death. And he went down from Judea to Cefarea, and there abode. 18. N. Whether it was Death or rmprifonment that the Soldiers were put to, is doubtful in the GreekText : But it tells us that the Innocentmay be a prey toTyrants Cruelty and Injutice. 2o.And Herodwas highly difplea- fed with them of Tyre and Sidon : but they came with one accord to him, and having made Blaftus the king's chamberlain their friend, defi- red peace,becaufe their countrey was nourifhedby the king's cotentrey. 2r. And upon a let day, Herod a- rayed in royal apparel, fat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. 22. And the people gave a fhout, ficying, It is the voice of a god,and not of a man,z3.And imme- diately the angel of the Lord finote him, becaufe he gave not God the glory ; and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghoft. so, at Note, A lively inflan-e of the cafe of worldly Tyrants. To day Countries are crouch- ing to them, and Flatterersapplauding there, and the petfecutedfearing them, and tomorrow they are the !linking foodofworms : As Gods today, and as dung to morrow. a4.Bur the wordofGod grew and multiplied. 25. And Barnabas and Saul returned fromJerufalem, when they had fulfilled their miniftery,and took with them John whole fùrname was Mark. 24. Nate. Both the deliverance ofPeter, and the Death oftiered furthered the fuccefs ofthe Gofpel. C H A P. XIII. r. N Ow there were in the church that was at Antioch, certain prophets and teachers ; as Barnabas, àndSimeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Mana- en, which had been brought upwith Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. s. The Church Afl mbled at 471.1oth, had then in it many Menof eminent Gifts for Pro- phecy and Teaching. z. And as they miniftred to the Lord,and fafted,the holy Ghoft laid, Seperare me Barnabas and Saul, for the work whereunto I have called them. 2. Nate. To whomthe Holy Ghoft manifefted this, whether to many or to few, is uncertain. 3. And when they had farted and prayed,and laid their hands on them, they fent them away. 4. So they be- ing fent forth by the holy Ghoft, de- parted unto Seleucia ; and from thence they failed to Cyprus. 5. And when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the fy- nagogues of the Jews : and they had alto John to their minifter. 3. Note, This was not the hrft Authorizing of them to be Minifters by Oce; for theyw:re called and Preach'd betöre. But it was their Call or Million to this particular work, to go abroad rreaching to manyNations. To be feparared to the Miniftry is to be done but once : But to be appointed to this or that place, charge or flock, may be oft done, and that by Falling, Prayer, and lmpofitionof hands. a. They began their Preaching ufually in the 7tns Synagogues in all Countries, where there were filch where they came, they being Expedtauts ofthe Medial,. ó.And when they had gone through the ifle unto Paphos, they found a certain forcerer a falfe prophet,aJew, whole name was Barjelus : '.Which was with the deputy of the countrey, Sergius Paulus,a prudent man ; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and defired tohear the word of God. 7. Note, His prudence made him willing to ha inftrulked, and to hear men that faid theywere font byGod. S. But Elymas the forcerer (for fo is his name by interpretation) with- ftood them, feeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. 8. Elymas (which fignifierh aMagician) oppom fed them to hinder the Deputy's Converfion. T 4 9. Then