Ch: r 3: Elysnas the Sorcerer. The ASîs: Paul's Speech.- Ch. t 3. Teachers themfelves, 2. It was among the Yews allowed any man, that profeffed to be a wife man and a Teacher, though not in Office, to Teach the Peopleby the confect ofthe Ruler of the Synagogue. 3. The reading of the Lawand Prophets was the chiefpart of their Liturgy. i6.Then Paul Rood up,and beck- eningwith his hand, Paid, Menof If- rael, and ye that fear God give audi- ence. 17. TheGod ofthis people of Ifrael chofeour fathers, and exalted the peoplewhen they dwelt asftran- gers in the land of Egypt, andwith an high armbrought he themout of it. 18. And about the timeofforty years fuffered he their manners in the wildernefs. 59. And when he had deftroyed (even nations in the land ofCanaan, he divided their land to them by lot. 2o. And after that, he gaveunto them judges about the fpace offour hundred and fiftyyears, 'un- til Samuel the prophet. 2r. And of terward they defired a king : and Cod gave unto them Saul the fonof Kis, a man of the tribeof Benjamin, by the fpace of forty years. 22: And when he had removed him, heraifed ùp unto themDavid to be their king; to whom alto he gave teftiniony, and faid, I have found David the fon of Jeffe, a' man after mine own heart, which ¡hall fulfil all my will. r6, t'vc. Note, The recital of the Hiftory of s the gros, was by Peter and Stephen and Paul Pifidia, and went into the fynagogue' Judged the meeteRway to introducethe tidings on the fabbath-day, and fat down. ofChrilt as corne, it being thatwhich the yews t 3. Nare, i hey beganwith the defpìfedyews believed and underftood, and on' which they underftanding eachothers Languagues,and grounded their priviledges and expe&ations. as the mort prepared to hear the news of the 23. Of this man's feed bath God Meffah: Miraculous Language was likeMiracu. accordin to his romite railed unto fous works: not confiant and at the Speakers g will, as if theyRill fpake by Miracles. - Ifrael a Saviour Jefus : i4. Wheel r 5. And after the reading of the John had firft preached before his law and the prophets, the rulers of coming, the baptifmof repentance the fynagogue Pent unto them, fay- to all the people of Ifrael: ing, e men and brethren, if ye 23. This Jefus is the Son ofDavid whomyoü have any wórd of exhortation for expe&, and joins by Preaching and Baptizing th people, on. fotetltewed you. Y 9. Then Saul (who alto is called Paul) filled with the holy Ghoft, let his eyes on him, r o. And faid,O full of all fubtilty and all mifchief, thou child ofthe devil, thou enemyof all righteoufnefs, wilt thou not ceafe to pervert the right ways of the Lord ?. t r. And now behold the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thoù (halt be blind, not feeing the fun fora feafon. And immediately there fell on him a mift and a darknefs; and he went a- bout feeking lone tolead him by the hand. 9. The Holy Ghoft infpired Paulto pals this fentence when he wasrefolved to execute it: it came not by thewill ofman primarily. 12. Then the deputy when he law what was done, believed, being a- ftonifhed at the doetrineof theLord. I 2. Whether the Deputywas Baptized is un- certain, but being Converted to the Faith, we may fay to his honour that Ssrgins Paulus was the fiat Chriftian Magiftrate (unlefs you will call theJewifh converted Priefts Magiftrates :) (con- pains wasnet the fi&f.) But he had no power to ufe Magiftracy for Chríffianiry, five obliquely. a. The Judgment of God on Elymas was for the Deputy's Converfion , what hedid himfclf is unknown. r 3.Nowwhen Paul and his com- pany loofed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphilia : andJohn de- parting from them,returned to Jeru- falem. 14. But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in e a fay t'i. Note, Thuswere their Rulers like Church 25.And as John fulfilled hiscourfe; h laid, t Juftites, that difpofed ofOrder, that were no a Whom think a th t I am y thi,