Ch. T 3: Chrift Preached. The Aas, Chrift Preached. Ch.T3, I am not he. But behold, therecorn- 34. And asconcerning thathe rai- eth one after me, whofe (hoes of his fed him up from the dead, nap ne feet I am not worthy to lofe. more to return to corruption, he 2S. oh; told yoti that he was not the Chrift," faid on this wife, I will give you the but that thisJefus was he. fure Mercies of David. 26. Men andbrethren, children of 34, And this everlafting Kingdom which the ftock of Abraham, and whofoe -. Chrift is railed to, is that called the fure Mercies ver ántong you feareth Grid,` to you ofDavid, 14. s5'3 ` is the wordof this falvation feat. 3 5 Wherefore he faith allo in a- 26. To you 7cws and Profelytes who are pre. pother pfalm, Thou fhalt not fuller pared by the fear of God 'and expe&ationofthe thine holy One to fee corruption. Meffiah, we are Cent 'to tell ¡tau that he is come, 36. for David after he had ferved his that you may believe inhim to Salvation. 27. For they that dwelt at Jerufa- own generation by the will of God, unto his fell on knew hid their nót; ñorrÿet thefvoices fathers., and faworrupton 37. But of the prophets which are read every he whom' God raifed again, faw no fabbath-day, they have fulfilled them corruption. iii condemning hini: 28, And hou h 33 38. his Mutt be meant ofçhriy, &s. ing $ Be it known -untoyou there- they found no caufeofdeath in him; fore, men and brethren, that through yet defyred they Pilate that he fhould this Hiatt is preached untoyou the fort be (lain.. 29. And-when theyhadful- ivenefs offns: And by him all filled all that was written of him, that believe ate 3jftified from all theytookhim down from the tree and things, from which ye couldnot be laidhim ina fepulchre; '3ó. ButGod jttfc by the law of Mofès. iaifed him from the dead t a8, 39. By his Sacrifice and Merits and Inter= 27. Thechief of your Nation not believing cetüon and KinglyPower, all fins shall be par- in him, nor underftanding the Prophets, fulfilled Boned to all that truly believe in him, and take the Propheíe by killinghim, but God raifed him. him for their Saviour and King; And by him all 31. And he wasPeen many days of fuch areacquit from damning guilt and punifh= them which cane up with him from ment (initially now by his pardoning Law of Galilee to erufalen who are his Grace, and finally hereafter by hoJudgment and J s Execution)'from which the Law ofMofes can ne= witneffes until) the people.' ver juftifie, or acquit' you, by all its Sacrifices, 31. He fhewed himfelf to rhofe that be chore and your obfervances. . to be hisWitneffes to the 'World. 4o. Beware therefore, left that '32." And wedeclare unto youglad come upon you which is fpokenof in tidings, hew that the promife which the prophets, 4 r. Behold, ye defpi- was made unto the fathers, .33. God fers, and t onder, and perilh: for I bath fulfilled the fame unto ustheir work a work in your days, a worlç children, inthat he bath raifed up je- which you (hall in no wife believe, fus again ; as it is altowritten in the though aman declare it unto you. ' fecond pfalm, Thou art my fon, this. 40 Take heed left your obftinate unbelief day have I begotten thee. caufe God to cart you off, and take in the Gen - 3 a. To yyou expe&ants we bring joyful news, r ies inyour ßè td. the Mefiiah is come, the romiCeof him is fu1- filled to us, and Chrift is rifen. : out of the fynagogue, the Gentiles Note. Seeing all men love glad Tidings, the befou ht that thefe words might be Gofpel ihould. be welcometoall. ` á g ' 33. And as David theType is called lod's be- preached to them the next fabbath. gotten Son,becaufehe Exalted him to theThrone, 42. Some diflike thefe words, but others efpe. ro is that word fulfilled now in Chrift, indeed daily Profelytes defred toheer them agaip. g begotten ofGod, and raifed to Glory, ' the fame words ismeant theJame doflrine: Not - ' They. p 42. Andwhen the Jews were gone