Ch: t 3. The Yews obftinacy. The they grclly miftake that fay it is the Lord's day as filch, that is here called the next Sabbath. 43. Now when the congregation was broken Up, many' of' Jews, and religious 'Profelytes followed 'Paul and Barnabas; who fpeaking to them, perfwaded to continue to the grace of God. 43. Beginners newly convinced mutt be fol- lowed withperfwafiions toproceed andperfevere. 44 And thenext fabbathday came almotl the whole city together to hear the word ofGod. 45. But when`the Jews law the multitudes, they were filled with 'envy, and fpake againft, thole.things which were fpoken by Paul, cpntradisingand blafpheming. 44. 45. Note. a. The Apoftlesdid ufe to meet on the 7rros Sabbath in their Synagogues, and to obferve the outward Reft of themwhile they were among the Jews, both toget anopportuni- ty ofPreaching to them, and to avoid their of- fence, till the diffol uion oftheir ftate had in fact cart down their Law and Policy, which Chrift had before abrogated. 2. The Crowds of Hearers and Multitude of Converts being hateful to Satan, Both ufuallyitir. up rage in his Servants, and raife greater oppo- lrtion. 46. Then Paul and Barnabas wax- ed bold, and Paid, It was neceffary that the wordofGod fhould firft have been fpoken to you! but feeing ye put it from you, and judge your selves unworthy of everlafting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. 47. For fo hath the Lord commanded us,fay- ing, I have let ;hee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou fhouldeft be for- falvation unto the endsofthe earth. 46, 47. God did appoint as to offer Chrift heft to youYews, andhe, or we rejectednot you heft: But feeing by your obftinate rejectingof Chrift and his Gofpel, you make and fhew.your £elves unworthy and uncapable of fo great Mercy, we go to the Gentiles ; for fo is ourCommiffion. 48. And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified theword of theLord: and asmany as were ordained to eternal life, believed. 48. Note, It is a contròverfiewhat is here meant by [Ordained tó Eternal Life,] whether it be [Ordained by God's decree] or (ordered by prepd. PI Grace :1 But there is no do&renal Control. Arts. TheApofiles perfeecuted. Ch. 1 : verfie arifingfrom either Expofition, thofe being Profelytes or otherwife in the neareft difofstion to believe, it'sprobable at the leaft were the Per- fons here meant : But that Godalto cloth forede. erbe whomhe will effectuallyconvert and Save, p;ould bepaf doubt with all lober Chriftians, the Perfection of God, end the wordsof Scripture making it plain : And not only.Axguffine and Proteflants, but almoft all the Papifls, Doctors and Schoolmen proving it. And Dr. Hammond confeffeth thatthis preparing Grace isGod'sGifr; which therefore he beforepurpofed togive. But when he oppofeth [Theab ¡lasedecree of deflina: ring them, whatfeever they do, to Salvation :] It is very ill done fo to infìntiate that this is the opinion ofchofe that diffent from him : who are fo farfrom it, that they hold that to deftinate to Holiaelsand Salvation, is one and the fame de- cree ofGod: Of this fee my Catholick Theologie fully handling `ît: Alas for this fad Difeafe in Church Doctors! - - 49 And `theword of the Lord was publifhed throughout all the region. 50. But the Jews ftirred up the de- vout and honourable women, and the chief menof thecity,' and raifed perfecution againftPaulandBarnabas, and expelled them out oftheir coafts. 50. Nate, Devout Women and Men in igno- rance may be Adverfaries N Chrifianity and Truth, and InftrumentsofPerfecution :'And the chief and honourable are-oft the chiefhercin. Powerful fuccefsful Preaching, ufeth to ftirup vi- olent Perfecuting, which oftdriveth thePreachers tofomeother place whereGod bath tometo call. 5'. But they shook off the duff of their feet againft them,and cameunto Iconium. 5E. Note. As Excommunication was difmal to them that werecut off, fo ¡halting of the dal! of their Feet againft them was a difmal Signification ofa forfaken People. z. And the difciples were filled with joy, andwith the holy Ghof . fa. Note. God's Grace and the Church's joy may increafeunder Perfecution, and Expulfionby men. C H A P. XIV. t, A Nd it came to pats in Iconium; Ix that they went both together into the fynagogue of the Jews, and fo fpal'e, that a great multitude both of the Jews, and altoof the Greeks, believed. z. But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their