Ch. i4".. ACreep cured. The Aas. Paul's Speech. Ch. r 4 their minds evil-affe ed againft the 13. Then the prieft of Jupiter, brethren. which was before their city, brought 2. Still the great fuccefs of the Miniftry is oxen and garlands'unto the gates,and attendedwith thegreateft Envy and oppofitionof would have done facrifice with the bad Men. . Long time therefore abode they people. 3 13. The Prieft of iupiter, whofe Temple or fpeaking boldly in the Lord, which Statue was without the City, brought Oxen tò gave teftimony unto the word of his facrifice to them. grace, and granted figns and wonders Note. Such men are readier for Idolatries, than to receive God's word. to be done by their hands. 14. Which when thea ofiles Bar- 3. We, Long Preaching is needful to root that 4' P word whichoneor two Sermons oft leavethloofe. nabas and Paul heard o , they rent 2. Miracles were the convincing taufe ofthe Cre- their clothes, and ran in among the . dibility of the Apoftles teftimony. people, crying out r 5. And faying, 4. But the multitude of the city Sirs why doye thefe things ? we alfó was divided : and part held with the are men of like paflionswith you,and Jews, and part with the Apoftles. preach unto you, e fhould turn 4. Note, The Gofpelcaufeth divifions by faein' y , t y fome, or elfe all would perifh together in Concord. from tilde vanities unto the living ' 5. And when there was an affault God, which made heaven andearth, made both of the Gentiles, and alto and the fea, and all things that are of the Jews, with their rulers, to ufe therein. their defpitefully, and to ftone them, ítlesw OhCted The tl e ewr Twelve Tribes,pco 6. Theywere aware of it, and fled whom d,N G,fpet was frft ro be Preached: But unte Lyftra andDerbe, cities ofLy- when Chrift would gather [he GentileChurch, he caònia, andunto the region that lieth increafed the number, and Pau/ was commiffm: cared by a voice fromheaven, and he and Bar. round about 7. And "there they mbar, by a fpecial miffion ofChrift, by the Holy preached the gofpel. Ghoft. a. The fignificant ceremony ofrenting the 5. Note. Still Perfecution difperfeth the Gofpel. Clothes, is ufed by thefe two Apoftles. 3. All good 8. And there fat a certain man at Men hate Idolatry, and would not be Idolizd Lyftra, impotent in his feet, bein a themfelves. 4. The Devil would honour the Mi- g Bitters of Chrift overmuch, when it is to contra. cripple from his mother's womb,who difk their Doféine. never hadwalked. 9.The fame heard 16. Who in times raft fuffered all Paul fpeak : who ftedfaftly beholding nations to walk in their own ways. him, and perceiving that he had faith 17. Neverthelefs, he left not himlelf to be healed, i o. Said with a loud without witnefs, in that he did good, Voice,Standupright on thy feet. And and gave us rain' from heaven, and he leaped and walked. fruitful feafons, filling our Hearts 8. The HolyGhoO,when he would do the Mi. with food' and giadnefs. racle, made Paul di(cern the Man's Faith, and 16. Hé bath long connivedby parient permi(li= exciteth him to bid himBand up. one, ; at the manifold Idolatriesand Vices of the i 1. Andwhen the People lawwhat world, not puniming thlin as they deferved: Paul had done, they lift up their voi- Yet his,common mercies toMens bodies, did both ces, faying in the fpeech of Lycaonia, afióe' to Malnkind,hand that h_ aafeeh uear c finfut Thegods are comedown to us in the Man ai he deferveth, but in mercy obligeth alt likenefs of men. i a.. And they called to gratitude and repentance. Barnabas, Jupiter; andPaul,Mercu- 18. And with thefe fayings fcarce rius, becaufehewas the chieffpeaker. reftrained they the people, that they tr. They knew that fuch a Miracle mutt be a had not done facrificeunto them. fupernatural work, and doneby God; and they IS. Note. So forward are men to forbid leg galled thembythe ufual names oftheir Godre worJttip, wheare backward to fpiritualand tree. .I Ss? Aad