Ch. 141 PaulPaned. The A to. And there came thither cer- tain Jews fromAntiòch and Iconium, who pertwaded the people, and ha- ving honed Paul, drew him Out of thecity, fuppofinghe had been dead. 19. Note. This is the levity ofthe vulgar, that one dayWill facrifice as to Gods, to thofe, whom after they wouldkillasmalefa&ors: Solittletruft is to be placed in them. Andthough we know not whether moftofthe fame Perlons were the Perfe- tutors," it's like that many were.. 2o. Howbeit, as the difciplesftood round about him, he role up, and carne into the city': and the next day he departed withBarnabas to Derbe. 2, Note. It's like his recoverywas a miracle: elk ftoning would havedifabled him to travel. zI. Andwhen they had preached the gofpel to thatcity, and had taught many, they returned again to Lyftra, and to iconium, and to Ahtioch, 21. Noie. perfecution made them not forfake the Plantations which they had newly made. 22. Confirming the fouls 'of the difciples, and exhorting them to con- tinue in the faith, andflying, that we muff through much tribulation enter into the kingdom ofGod. 22. Confirming them againft the Temptation ofPerfecution; which mutt be fuflered by thofe that will he laved. ' 23. And when they had ordained ,them elders in every church, and had prayed with facing, they cómmend- ed them to theLord, on whom they believed. 23. They fettled the Chriftians that were con-, verted in thefe feveral Cities, in Church order, ordaining Eiders in every Church, to be the Guides and Teachers of the reft.t and that with Fatting and Prayer, becaufeof the great impor- tance ofthe work. Note, i It is matte a controverfie; whether vt+pero,garrres lignifie [by fuffraget7 or roy laying on ofhands,) But it is of fins t importance : Forit it is certain, that the Apoftles forced no Elders on the People, but ordained them by the Peoples choice or coulent : And it is certain, that orc4i- nation was the Apoftles Aá. 2. And its a Controverlie what is here meant by Elders; whetherDiocefane'Bifhops, or meer Presbyters, or Lay- Elders, or Deaconsalto. The Scripture calls all Church -guides and Teachers, Riders, and here maketh no diftintlion Its cer- Itin, that each Church here was but one fatal! Nits Chrifttansinto eatfe ways. 2 , Whets as. Hefails toAtioch. Ch. sq,. Affemhly, and therefore, if theywill cap the Pallor ofone Allmblyalliocefane, it'sanominal ftrife: ifthey fay, it is becaufe they hadPower to govern a Diocefs of a multitude of Chúrches 'when theywere' gathered, r. They mull prove thatpower given : 2. Then they were no Bifhops ofthole Churches, till theywere indeed Churches: 3. And its probable, that about thofe near Cities, that was not in their life time. Though it be not certain, that by [Elders in e- very city) is Meant more than one in each city, yet by the Phrafe, it is mof}probable ; efpecially, copftdering what evidence there is of many at Corinth, Antioch and 7ertefalem. 24. And after they had paired throughout Pifidia, 'they' came to Pamphylia, And when they had Preached the word in Perga, they ywent down into Attalia : 26. And thence failed toAntioch,from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God, for the work which they fulfilled. 24. They returned to 'Antioch in Syria, (not .Antioch inPifidia) to give the Church an accoupt oftheir fuccefs. 27. And when theywerecome and had gathered the church together, they rehearfed all that God haddone with them, and how he had Opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. 28. And there they abode long timo with the difciples. 27. Note. Y. It was a Congregation, and not a Diocefs ofa multitude ofCongregations that is called the Church, which they Congregated. 2. They brought them the glad Tidings, that the Gentiles hadreceived theFaith : Though it was in the 7emt Synagogues that they preach'd, at legit for the molt part. . C}1AP, XV.? s. ANd certain men which came down fromJudea, taught the brethren and fail, Except ye he circumcifed after the manner of Mu- les, ye cannot be faved. a. Some Chrifian 7ewt thought and taught; that Circumcifion and keeping rhe'Law ofAllis isneceffary to Salvation, both to7ewandGentile Chriftians. Note, 1. The found Do,arine of Chriftianity was quickly con'cpted by erring Teachers, 2.The shreatniug of damnation, and making error feein necéffary to falvatíon, was tiled to affright timó