Ch. x 5: About The Aas. Circumcilon Ch. I g° . 2.When thereforePaul andBarna- firmed byMiracles, and Chrift had laid that he came not to deftroy it, &c. Therefore had not bas had no fmall diffenfion and difpu- Apoftolick Teftimony, and the Authorityof the ration with them, they determined HolyGird by miracles, proved theabrogation; that Paul and Barnabas, and certain it would more hardly hàve been belivedby good men, than the lubftitute Canons ofBifhops that' other ofthem,' Should goup to Jeru- hive sib fuchpretencé. But tF.e Gentileswere ne- falemunto the apoftles" and elders a- ver under Motes Law, as filch.' bout this queftion, 6.Andthe Apoftles andelders came 2. Nste,To be Diffenters andDifputañts againft together for to confider of this mat= errors and tyranical impofitions upon confcicnceÿ is no fault but a great duty. 2. It's but a groundlefs fi&ion of Tome that tell' us that thinwas an appeal to Jerrcfalem, becaufe it was the Metropolis ofSyria and ,Antioch : As if Metropolitan ChurchPower had ,been then let- tied : When long after, when it was deviled in deed, .Antioch was above Jerafalem: And it's asvain a fidhion that this was an appeal to a ge- neral Council, as if the Apoltles and Elders at Jerufalem had been a general Council,when none of the Bithops of the Gentile Churches were there, or calledthither. It is notorious that it *as aiíappeal to the Apottles (raking in the El- ders) as thbfe that had the certaineft notice of Chrift's mind, having converted with him, and being enrruftedto teach all Nations whatever he commanded them, and had thegreateft meafure ofthe Spirit; andalfo being Jews themfelves, werefuch as the JudaizingChriftians had no rea- fon to fufpedt orreje&. 3.And being brought otitheir way 6. Note, God's infpirátion made not confulta. lion needlefs tothemfelves,or to convince Gain- fayers. 7.And When there had been Much difputing,Peter roleUp, and laid un- to them,Men and brethren; ye knov t ho«r that a good while age+, God made ,choice among us,that theGen- tiles by my mouth Should hear the word ofthe Gofpel, and believe. 8. And Godwhich knoweth the hearts, bare then witnefs, giving them the holy Ghat, even as he did unto us 9. And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. 7. Tholeof the Pharifees way that came with by the church, they paired through Pant and Barnabas, were heard difputing for Phenice, andSamaria, declaring the their esufe, and then Peter laid, &c. converfion of the Gentiles : and they I o. Now therefore why tempt ye caufed great joy unto allthe brethren. God,to put a yoke upon the neck of 3. Note. By the Church that"brought them the difciples,--which neither ourfa- on, is neither meanta Diocefs ofChurçhes, nor thers not we wereable to bear ? the meer Clergy; but the chiefmenof theCon- ro. God never put this yoke on the Gentiles; gregationof ,Antioch. 2. The Gentiles Converfr- and we Jews have found it a heavy burden. on was joyful news. I I .But webelieve that through the 4. And when they were come to grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift, we Jerufalem, they were receivedof the (hall be faxed, even as they. çhurch,and ofthe apoftles and elders, rt. And it is not by theworks ofMofes's Law, and they declared all things that God that we Jaws are juftified and Caved, but in the had done with them. 5. But there fame way that is commonfto the Gentiles wit$ us, even by the Grace Chrilt. role up certain of the feel of the Pha- I z.Then all the multitude keptf- rifees which believed, faying, That lence,and gave audience to Barnabas it was needful to circumcife them, and Paul, declaring what miracles and to command them to keep the and wonders. God had wrought a- Law of Mofes. mong the Gentiles by them. 4. They firft told them oftheir fuccefs on the 12. The Miracles andConverfion of the Gen; Gentiles, and thenofthe Do&rive oftheft Chri- tiles,was God's approving Teftimony in the cafe, Riso Pharifee:. I And after they had The error, as to the J,ws, had a fait 3 l held their ¿religious pretence ; for Mafes's Law was God's peace, James anfwered, faying, 2w51 Law, and delivered by Angels, and can- t 3, Note, They were not like the pro.rd Ma: