ch. >i 5. r he 4o Le The A1s: confult: Ch. r 5: ggifterial Talkers, fo full ofthemfelves, that they Lion, and fome Hereticks pleading for it, made have not patience to reftrain their lift . of (peak- it, though not indifferent, joynedwith thereft. ing till another bath done, but (top and frlence Thofe- that go the fecond way, fay, that to him by rude uncivil interruption, on pretence the Profelytes ofthe Gate the(even Precepts of that he is too long. Noah were neceffary, and therefore when they a z,Men and brethren hearken un- turned.Chriftiaus,, not to be calf off: And by to me. ; A. Simon bath declared how (Bleed] they think isf meant tBloaafhed or Mur- der;j fo the two firft precepts (faith Dr. Ham- God 2t the firft did vifit the Gentiles, moud) are,for worfhipping the true God: 2.And to take out of them apeople for his not Idols; both chefe are included in I,AhO in- I11me. I S.Ari1 to düs agree the words ing from Meats offered to Idols.] 3. Abftaining . from Blood, is the fifthofchofe Preceptsagainft of the prophets i as it is written, 16. Murder. 4. Fromthings ftrangled is the feventh. After this I will return andwill build's From Fornication was the fourth. 6. And ma- again the tabernacleof David which is fallen down : and I will build a- gain the ruines thereof; 'and I will fet it up ; 17. That the refidueof then might feek after the Lord; and all the Gentiles upon whommy name is called; faith the Lord, who doeth all thefe things. 13, 14. Note; Somethink 7aìnes meaneth the Prophetic of Simeon, Luke 2. V. A Light to lighten the'Gennles ; but it's liker (though not certain) that it's Peter here that tomeaneth. 18. Known unto God are all his Works from the beginning of the world. t8. God that hath prophefied ofthis calling ofthe Gentiles, decreed and foreknew it. They are hisworks as well as we, and he is merciful to all. 19. Whereforemy fentence is,that We trouble not them, which from a- tnongtheGentiles are turned to God. io,But that we write untothem,that they abftain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, andfrom things ftrangled, and from blood. 19. Note, It is not agreed byExpofitors what there wordsmean, whether it be only things in- different that are here determined (as Beta and fome other think, and that only to avoid offence for a time : Or whether it be the ,Precepts of Noah imputed on the Profelytes of the Gate, as fuch, (as Do&or Hammond thought). They that go the firft way, think, that by [Fornication] here, is meant Idolatry, that is, the countenan- cing ofit by the ufe of things in themfelves in- different: But molt think, that by (Fornication] is meant fome controverted forts ofit, (as mar- rying within fame prohibited degrees, or ufing Concubines, or fecond Wives, which theSams (erupted-clot. And others thjnk that the igno- rance of Jews and gentiles oftheevilofFornica- ny ancient GreckCopies add here (Thou fielt net do- to another what thou wouldeft not have done to thee,] and that containeth that againft Theft and Injuftice, &c. Which ever of thefe he right, it makethno difference as toour Obli- gation. By eating things ftrangled and Blood, can he meant no more than fuch beaftly devouring, either of the Blood it felf, or the Blood in the ftrangled Creature,whichfrgnifieth a bloodymind and may harden men in cruelty, and eafilier dif- pole themm flied Man's Blood. And if there be any more that is ceremonious in it, it was tem- porary to avoid the Jews offence : But ifany think any more to be unlawful, it's lawful to forbear it. 21.For Mofes ofold time hath in every city them that preach him, read in the fynagoguesevery lab- bath day. 21. Asfor the Jews, the LawofMofes belongs to them, and we leave themtoit, till God theft diffolve their State and Policy (it is preached by the reading ofit in the Synagogues everySab- bath-day.) 22. Then pleafed it the apoftles and elders,with the wholechurch;to fend chofenmen of their own com- pany to Antioch, with Paul and Bar nabas : namely, Judas furnamedBar- fabas,and Silas, cheifmen among the brethren : 22. Though the Apoftles were the infallible Deciders, the Eldersand the whole Church were unanimous Confencers: and to thew the neceflity ofConcord, and that even infallible and mira- culous Teachers yet guide onlyVolunteers ; they fent fume of theirownCompany (ofthe College that guided the Church at'jerufalem ; or as Do- &ór Hammond thinketh, Bithops of tome fsngle Congregations in Judea) that contending patties might not be the only reporters oftheir(entente. 23.And they wrote letters by them after this manner, The apoltles, and elders, and brethren, fend greeting untá