Ch. I g: 7%e Apoiles The Ads. determinations. Ch. r 30. Note, The Multitude was one Affembly, not a Diocel ; nor only the Clergy. 31. Which when they had read, they rejoyced for the confolation. 31: Note, Liberty from toylfome,Ceremonies (though God hr ft inftituted them) was matter of joy to the Churches: But alas fewChurches are allowed that joy;by their LordlyPaftors 32.And Judas and Silas beingpro- phets alto themfelves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and:con- firmed them. unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia. 14. Forafinuchas we have heard; that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, fubvertingyour fouls, Paying, re muff be circumcifed, and keep the law ; to whom we gave no fisch commandment 23, 24. Note a. If falle Teachers pretended Apoftolick Authority orMillion when they were near them, nowonder if they do it now when they are not fo eafily confuted, 2. Tyrannical àmpofitionson Conference, do but trouble the Church and fubvertSouls, by piouspretences. 25. It feemed good unto us, being affembled with one accord, to fend chofen menunto you, with our belo- ved Barnabas and Paul; 26. Men that have hazarded their livesfor the nameof our Lord Jefus Chrift.27.We have fent therefore, Judas and Silas who (hall alto tell you the famethings by mouth. zg. Thusfar their Letters are Credential, to tell them that they may believethe Meffengers. 2,8. For it feemeth goodto the ho- ly Ghoft and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden then thefe neceffa- ry things ;. a8. Meet. It is prophanenefs for anyBithops or Councils to ufe thefe wards,who neither have affurance, nor cangive any proofthat the Holy Ghoft guided: them. 2. The Holy Ghoft is a- gain$ impofing unneceffary things as neceffary. Thefe things here impaled, were neceffary, (at leaft all to thofe Parlous, and at that time) and molt (ifnot all) continually. z9. That ye abftain from meats offered to Idols, and from bloud, and from things ftrangled,and from forni- cation: from which if ye keepyour felves?ye (hall do well. Fare yewell. 29. It is not Mofeels Law that ye are bound to keep, but thefe commoner precepts. Do nothing that fcandaloufly favoureth Idolatry,or favoureth ofcruelty and bloodinefs, not eating flrangled Creatures in the gore blood, avoid defilement, by any fort offorbidden flefhly luft and filthinefs. 3o. So when theywere difmifhed, they came to Antioch : and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the epiftle, 32. Note, By [Prophets] is meint fuch iswere infpired by the Holy Ghoft, either byRetelation of any new thing, or by ability to explain and apply known truth. 33 And afterthey had tarried there a fpace, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apoftics: 34. Notwithftanding it pleafed Silas to abide there Rill. 35. Paul alto and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching andpreaching the word of the Lord, with many others ado. 33. Note, The Church of,Antierh had ma- ny excellent Teachers, and it is not intimated, that anyone was Bithop over the reif, or that Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Simeon, Luciva, M4- two, &c. were lubjeâs to any one. 36. And fome days-after, Paul laid untoBarnabas, Let us go again, and vifit our brethren,in every citywhere we have preached the word of the Lord, andfeehow they do. 36. Nate, Converted Soülsand PlantedChur: ches, maStbe further vifited, obferved and wa tered. 37. And Barnabas determined to take with them John whole furname was Mark. 38. But Paul thought not good to take himwith them,vvho de- parted fromthem fromPamphylia,and went not with them to the ,work. 39 And the contention was fo sharp between them, that theydeparted a- fonder one from the other : and fo Barnabas took Mark,and failed unto Cyprus ; 4o; And Paul chofe Silas, and departed;being, recommendedby the brethren unto the grace of God. 41. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. 37. riot.,