Ch. 16 rimt,7 Circldréijed. The 37. Dote, Apoftles the not infallible in all things, even about fitnef3 of their Helpers. Small difference's even to fharpencontention, may Stand with Chriflian Love and Unity. 3. There was then no Judge of fuch controver- fies, either Bitpop or Synod to avoid and end them. 4. But, god turned, this to good, for the better fpreading of the Gofpel. CHAP. XVI: i.xHen came he to Derbe and LyAI'a : and behold, acertain . difciple was there, named Timothe- üs,tlie fon of a certain woman which was a Jewels, and.believed ; but his father was a Greek : z. Which was ïvellreported of by the brethren that were at Lyftra and It'onium. 3. Him would Paul have to go forth with him : and tdok and circumcifed him; becaufe of the Jews which were in thofe 'quarters : for they knew all that,his father was a Greek. a. Timothy's Mother being a yew, he might be circumçi(ed, though his Father was a Greek : And becaufe uncircumcifed, he might not be admitted to converte with the Jews, he circum- cifed him, the Yews being yet permitted to sie the Law of Mofes: which he would not have done, had both Parents been Gentiles. 4. And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the de- crees for to keep, that were ordained ofthe apoftles and elders which were atJerufalem. s. And fo were the churches eftablilhed the faith, and increafed in number daily. 4, s. They delivered them the Apoftles De- crees, which freed the Church from the doubts which the pedaix.ers had railed, and fo they werequietedand fettled. inJudgment, Faith and Concord, and daily increafed. 6. Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia, and'the regionof Galatia, and were forbidden of the holyGhofttopreach the word inAfia. 6, Forbidden by tome Revelation or Infpira- tion. 7. After they were come to My- lia, they allayed to go into Bithynia but the Spirit fuffe'red them not. 8. And they pafìing by Myfla, came down to Troas, A&}s. Paulfelt to Maceclonia.Ch. t 6. q. The invitation or infpirationofGod's Spirit diverted them. 9.And á vifiori appeared to Paul in the night : There ftood a man of Macedonia and prayed him, laying, Come over into Macedonia;andhelp us. 9. Note, God's diffgrencing grace plainly ap- peareth in fending his Gofpel to fonte Countries rather than to other. se. And after he had feen the vifi- on, immediately' we endeavoured to go into Macedonia; aff:uredlygather- ing that the Lord had calledus for to preach the gtlfpel untothem. so. Note, It is the duty ofMinifters to 'follow God's call ; _though all have not vifrons, all hart fome notificationsofGod's will, by Men's necef- fity, opportunity, invitation' &c. is. Therefore looting from Troas, we camewith a ft'raight courfe to Sai- mothracia, and the nett day toNea- polis; 12: And from thence to Phi- lippi, which is the chiefcity of that part of Macedonia, and a colony andwe were in that city abiding cer- tain days. ta. Nate, The Apoftles did chufe Populous Cities toPreach in, becaúfe there was molt mat- ter tówork on : It's belt fifhing in the Sea.' Be_ fides that, the Jews Synagogues were moftly in fuch places. s 3. And on the fabbath we went out of the city bya river fide, where prayer was wont to be made ; and we fat down and fpake unto the wo- men which reforted thither. r 3. Nate, Whether here was an Oratory or Chappel, or only the open Field, is uncertain : And whether' the Affemblies were Profelytes of the Jews, or Jews with fuch, orthe better fort of Gentiles, is not certain : But the lieft is likely, becaufe theykept the fabbath. . 14. And a certain woman named Lydia, a fellerofpurple, of thecity of Thyatira,whichworfhipped God, heard us : whofe heart the Lord o- pened, that the attended unto the things whichwerefpoken ofPaul. /4.s. Nore,Icslike file: was a Profelyte.a.They that wet-flipGod are belt prepared for further Grace: 3. God opening the heart maketh the word effeftual : 4. Diligentregardful attention to the wordis'íhe_beginning ofConverlion,oragreat greparatfig. is. And