Ch. i 6. Paul andSilas The Aas. imprifoned. Ch. i 6. a "S.Andwhen thewas baptized and 20, 21. They brought them to the Roman her houfhold the befou ht us, Officers, under whole Government th;v were, g faying, and accufed them as, being Jews, of a contrary If yehave judged in to be faithful to Religion, and by their unlawful Do&cines, can- the Lord, come into my houfe, and ling Sedition and di4urbing the publick peace. Note, Covetous malignants tale the accufationof Sedition Cohide their malice. 22. And the multituderofe up to- gether aga.inff them : and the magi- thaws rent offtheir clothes, andcom- manded tobeat them. z3. Andwhen they had laidmany ftripes upon them; they cafe them into prifon, chargin the jayler tokeep them fafely;24.\Who having received fuch a charge, thruff them into the innerprifon, and made their feet fait in the flocks. 22, &c. Note. Rulers and Rabble, and muff, were for the Devil agaihft Chrift and theirown witha fpirit .of divination met ùs Salvation : And the innocent Servants of Chrift p ' are imprifoned and ufed as Rogues; meetly for whichbrought hermaftersmuchgain feelcing Mens welfare. by foothfaying. 25. And at midnight Paul and t 6. One polTefed with a deluding foretelling alas prayed,and fangpraifes unto God: Devil, who thereby brought himgain for Divina. lion, an the prifoners heard them. 17. Thefame followed Paul and 25.wsre, [ erfecut on loth notdifoblige as from joyful praife to Gad, nor detùoy Believers coal. us, and cried, faying, Thefe men are forts. the fervants of the moft high God, Which (hewuntous theway óffalvá- [ion. 17. Note. God conftrainedthe Devil to. con- fers Chrift a=.ainf0 his will abide there. And theconftrained us. 15. Nere,; t. It was the ordinarr Wayofthe Apoftlesto BaptizeHpulholds: Not thatthey could be Pure they were all true Believers, or that the Rulers could make them loch. Bea it was the Ru. lees dutyto devote all in their Power to God and therefore to do their hell to perfwade them to a true content ; and to rid their houfeof allun- necefT:aryPerfont e -at reftfed: And Godufed to biefs their endeavours, and their incereft and power might do much. 2. Converted l'erlons have fo much love to Chrift's Minifterswho converted diem. that they greatly deliro their Companyand further help, t 6. Arid it canìe to pals as wewent to prayer, a certaindamfel pofleff"ed z6. And fuddenlythere was a great earthquake, fo that the' foundations of the prifon were (haken : and im- mediately all the doors wereopened, B. And this did the many days. and every ones bandsowere loofed. of 26. Note. But Paul beinggrieved, turned, and their Company in the City; when thiswasdone: faid to the fpirit, I command thee in God's power is invincible. the nameof... Jefus Chrift ro comeout 27. And the keeper of the prifon of her.Àgdhecame out the famehour. awaking out of his fleep, arid teeing 18. Note, I. Satan mutt bedifpoffeffedöf$ody, the prifon-doors open, he drew our Soul or Nation, wheneverChrift conmandethit. his fword, and would havé killed 59. And when her mafters faw that himfelf, fuppofing that the prifoners the hope oftheirgains was gone,they had been fled. i8: But Paul cried caught Paul and Silas,and drew them with a loudvoice, faying, Do thy into themarket-place,uncotherulers, felfno harm ;' for we are all here. 19. Nate. It's like her Mailersbeing morethan 27. He would have killed himfelf to prevénC one, were fume Heathen Wefts, however we puni(hhneut, in the rage ofhis pallina. feë, the love of Money is the root ofPerfecution and all evil. 29. Thenhecalled for a light and 20. And brought them to the ma (prang in, and came trembling, and giffrates, laying, Thefe men being fell down before Paul and Silas; 30. Jews, do exceedingly trouble our ci- Andbrought them out, and laid, Sirsb . ty, zt. And teach cuffónis which are what muff I When co be laved ? n t laWful for us. tó receive neither 29. N°ra When Ggd's dreadful cats rents 4 and his Grace o'n'to ether, n heart can refi4 L-6`bbfaire bean KO ans' stiessre