01.16. The Yayler converted. The 31. And they Paid, Believe on the Lord Jefus Chrift, and thouShalt be faved, and thy houfe. .31. Note, t. He was refolved to do whatever they required, knowing by this miracle, that they were fent by Gad. a. Believing in Chrift, includ- eth all the effentialsofChriftianity, 3. His Houfe would not lie faced for his Faith, withoutany of their own. But it is fuppofed, that God would blèfs his endeavours to convert them. 32. And they fpake unto him the wordof theLord, and toall that were in his houfe. 32. They infhuaed him and his Houfhold, that theymight indeed believe and be Paved. 33 And he took them the 'fame hour of the night, and waffled Meit. ftripes ; and was baptized, he andall his, ftraightway. 93. He prefently Chewed his Repentance and Faith: For he that had fcourged them, Wafhed their foxes to heal théín ; andhe and all his Houf- hold were prefentlyBaptized,as having profeffed their refoleed Faith in Chrift. Note, TheApoftles delayed not Baptifm, when ferions profeiï'iongave them right : but indoubt- ful cafes ofignorant or unrefolved Men, it ought tohe longer delayed. 34 And when he had brought them into his houfe, he Set meat be- fore them, and rejoyced, believing in God, with all his houfe. 34. Note, I. TrueConver&on changerh Mens thoughts ofGod's Servants, and caufeth men to love and honour them. 2. Converfonputs Men Intoa joyful ¡late. 35 And when it was day, the magiftrates Pent the fergeants, laying, Lit tholemen go. 36. And the keep- er of the prifon told this faying to Paul, The magiftrates have lent to let lyou,go now therefore depart, andgo in peace. 37. But Paul Paid unto them, They have beaten us o- penlyuncondemned, beingRomans, andhave cafe us into prifon ; andnow do they thruft us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themfelves and fetch Cis out. 37, Note, Itis lawful toplead our right byLaw againft unjuft Magiftrates, Paul was aRoman by eneanchifment (though a 7tw). 38, And the fergeants told three Aets: Paulat7'hejfalonica: Ch. t7, words tinto the magiftrates: and they feared when they heard that they were Romans. 38. Note, The Roman Laws forbadall filchbare ufageofany that wereofRoman freedom. 39. And they came and befought them, andbrought them our, and de- fired them to depart out of the city. 4o. And they went out ofthe prifon, and entred into the houfe of Lydia : and when they had feen the brethren, they comforted them, and departed. 39, They fpalte them fair, for fear, and in- treated them to depart. 4o. They vifited, com- forted and confirmed their Converts. CHAP. XVII. r: ,jOw when they had paired through Amphipolis, and A- pollonia, theycarne to Thelfalonica, where was a fynagogue of the Jews. z. And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and threeSabbath-days reafonedwith them out of the fcrip- tures, 3. Opening and alledging that Chrift muff needshave fuffered, and rifen again from the dead: and that this Jefus whom I preach untoyou, is Chrift. 2, 3. Note. Paul began his Preaching ufually in the yews Synagogue,becaufe they were molt pre- pared by expe&ation ofthe Mepah, and under - flood his language: for it isnot certain, that the miraculous gift ofunlearnt tongues, was itwhich he ufedin his ordinary Preaching, andnot only on extraordinary infp;rations. 4. AndTomeofthem believed, and contortedwith Paul andSilas : andof the devout Greeks agreat multitude, andofthe chief womennot a few. 4. Andbeing convinced by proofout ofthe old Teflament, that Chrift muff fuffer and rife again, manybelieved; Tome yews, but more ofthe Pro- felytes and chiefWomen. 5. But the Jews which believed not,moved with envy,took unto them certain lewd fellows ofthebaferforr, andgathered a company, and Set all the city on an uprore, and affaulted the houfeofJafon,and fought to bring them out to the people. 4. atth Thg tiKeä.te . Jet lutlrunieats for per