Ch: i 7. Paul withdraws The fecution; for they have fufftcient ignorance and malignity, and will rage againft reafon : But it's Legalifts that incite them. 6. And when they foundthem not, they drew Jafon,and certain brethren, unto the rulers of the city, crying, Thefe that have turned the world upfidedown, are cons hither alto ; 7. Whom Jalon hath received: and thefe all docontrary ro the decrees of Celar, laying, That there is another king, one Jefus. 6, 7. Note. 1. Were it not for the falte pre- tence ofSedition againft Rulers, toengage their fafety, and honour, in jealoufieagainft Chrift and Religion, the Devil would be poled in hisAccu- lationof the Faithful. 2. Thename ofKing Jefus falflyExpounded, is it that is tired to engage Princes againft Chrift. 8. And they troubled the people, and the rulers of the city, when they heard thefe things. 9. And when they had taken fecurityof Jalon, and of the other, they let them go. 8. Note. So Solicitous are men of their own fafety, from the Rulers power, thatall puts them into trouble, which feemeth to bring them into any danger. Fears raite Commotion. 1 o. Andthe brethren immediately fent away Paul and Silas by night un- toBerea : whocoming thither, went into the fynagogue of the Jews. to. Note, I. It is good to referve I'erfecuted Minifters for further work, when Satan would deftroy them. z. Again the Apoftles make the yews synagogue their Preachingplace. ft. There were more noble then thofe in Theffalonica, in that they re- ceived the word with all reádinels of mind, and fearched the fcriptures daily, whether thofe things were fa. It.Therewere more ingenious, rational, fiber yews, and did not meet the Gofpel with rage, butthought it worthy their-feriousenquiry, whe- ther the Scriptures did foretel of the Death and Refurre&ion ofChrift, andwhether Paulo proofs ofChriftianity were valid. t z. Therefore many of them be- lieved : allo of honourable women which were Greeks, and ofmen not, a few. la This preparation of a lober enquiry after truth, is a reafon rendred, whymany ofthem be- lieved. As djd manyum and Women 2fnote. Accts. ,fromTheffalonica. Ch. z7; i 3. But when the Jews of Theffa- lonica hadknowledge that the word ofGod was Preachedof Paul at Be- rea, they came thither alto, and fir- red up the people. 13. Nae, Satan fends about his Metfeoger as Chi ift did his: To ftirup the People. 14. And then immediately thebre- thren fent away Paul, to go as it werero the lea : but Silas and Timo- theus abode there frill. t ¢. N,te. Hot becaufe Paul was more fearful than the reft, but that he was more ufeful and more maliced. 15. And they that conduaedPaul; brought him unto Athens: and re- ceiving a commandment unto Silas and Timotheus, for to come to him with all (peed, they departed. 15. Paul patting bymany Countries between, was concluded to .Athens, the great Seat or Uni- verfityofPhilofophy, to Greece andall the Learn- ed World. 16. Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his fpirit was frirred in him, when he faw the city whol- ly given to idolatry. 16. He was much moved, to fee fach abun- dance ofStatues, Imagesand Altars in the City. 17, Therefore difputed he in the fynagogue with the Jews, and with the devout perfons, and in themarket dailywith them that met with him. 17, Therefore he did not only difpute for Chriftiahity in the Synagoguewith the yews, and devout Woríhippers (whowhen converted, were ufually the firft Membersofthe Churches) but al- fo with the Heathenswherehe met them, againft their Idolatry. t 8. Then certain philofophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks encountred him : and fome faid, What will this babler fay ? other fome, He feemeth to be a fetter forth offrange gods: becaufe he preached unto them Jeffus,and the refurredrion. is. The Epicureans a loofe fenfual Sea, and theStoicks a ftri&er Se& encounrred him ; and tome of them defpifed him as an unlearned Bab- 1er : Others thought that he Preach'd force God (by the Name of Jefus and the Refurre &ion) not known to thembefore. Note,The athenians were not onlyfit liberty for every one to worfhip what God