4111111111111111 C b. F<a1 Frfeci lh The God he would, but thought it the height of Re- ligion to take in and wodltip the Gods of all Nations : And to pleafe them all, and build them Altars. ,i 9. And they took him, and brought himunto Areopagus, Paying, May -we -know. what this new doctrine, whereofthou fpeakeft,. is? 2o. For thoubringeft certain ftrange things. to our ears : we would know therefore what thefe things mean. 19. They brought him to the Court ofJudica- -ture; whowere to.be- Judges, before any new God was to be received, that they might hear what God it was that he Preached. zt. (For all the 1Ithenians and strangers which were there, (pent their time in nothingelfe, but either to tell, or to hear forne new thing.) 21. The very learning and daily bultnefs of the .Athenian Philofophers, Students, and So- journers; was but to know News, and tell it, whether Speculative or Hiftorical : (And what elfe is all learning, that ferveth not to Holinefs andHeaven). } zz. ThenPaul flood in the mids of Mars-hill, and Paid, Ye -men of Athens, I perceive that inall' things ye are toofuperftitious. aa. Ye are on pretence of being very Religi- ous,' addi&cd to worship multitudes of Gods. 23. For as I paffedby, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this infcription, TO T HE UN- KNOWN GOD. Whom there- fore ye ignorantly.worfhip, him de- clare I unto you. 23. Whatever was the occafon of that In- fcription, you confhfs you worship an unknown God, I would therefore make known to you that only God, whom you muffworship. 24. God that made theworld,and all things therein, Peeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands : 25. Neither is worfhippedwith mens hands, as though he needed any ;lihig,, teeing he giveth to all life, andbreath, and all things ; 25. Bring not down that God that made and owtteth all the World, imaginarily to your Temples and Ima[¿es, or think that he'needeth, or you can give hint uty thing, who given tts Ac`1s. , atAthens Ch. 17. z6. And bath made of one blond, all nations ofmen, for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and bath de- termined the times before appointed, and the' bounds of their habitation : 26. And hath rttade all Men of one human nature (propagated' from one root) and ordered them into their feveral Countries, and bounded habitationsdetermined by him. 27. That' they Should Peek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him. 27, Making it their duty to reek to know him as their Maker by his works, and as their Benefa&or by his Mercies, which palpably de- clare him, that they might ferve, love and wor-" _ Ship him, as their God. 27. Though he be not far from every one of üs : 28. For in him we live, and move, and have our being ; ascertain alto of your own poets have Paid, For we are alfo his off-spring. a;, a8. He is as near us ac our Souls are to our Bodies ; Being indeed more than a Soul to all the World : For it is in bin, that we live and move and have our' Being : As your Poet .Arasas faith, For weare his off-spring ; for ofhim, and through him, and to him are all things, and nit Parent fo much cáufeth us as God cloth, nor cloth the Soul fo much to our life, motion and being, asGod cloth. 29. Forafmuch then as we are the off-spring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, ór fiver, or ftone graven by art and man's device. 29. Our Souls being the heft Image of God our Maker, we muffnot fo much debate him as to makelmagesofhimof Gold, Silver or Stone, as ifhe were like fuch Ihapes. 3o. And the times of this ióno. rance God winked at ; but now commandeth all men everywhereto repent ga. And as man feemeth byforbearance a while roconnive at faults, fo Godbath not in the time ofthis ignorance, either punifhed theWorld as they deferved, nor fens them - frotti Heaven that notice of his difpleafure, and that call to Repent and amend,' as now hecloth, but left them moßly to the Light of,Nature and the di( 'coveriesof his- Works and Providence; Butnow üíhatred of Ell and Mercy to Sinners, hebath U11iw,